##@&%§=~~, ,~~=§%&@##
&%%=~,,,,, ,,,,,~=%%&
###@&%=~~, ,~~=%&@###
&%§~~,,,,, ,,,,,~~§%&
##@&%§=~~, ,~~=§%&@##
##@&%§=~~, They Have Told Me To Mount In The Car ,~~=§%&@##
&%=~,,,,,, And Drive It To Some Town To Fix Some ,,,,,,~=%&
#&§~~,,,,, Stuff. I Drive As Good As I Can But ,,,,,~~§
###&%§=~~, It'S Not Helping. I Dont Have A Drivers ,~~=§%##
##@&%§=~~, License. ,~~=§%&@##
###@%§=~~, ,~~=§%@###
##@&%§=~~, I'M At A Dam Slash River Slash Art ,~~=§%&@##
@@%§§§=~~, Project, When I Suddenly Notice I'M ,~~=§§§%@@
&&&§===~~, Lying Flat On My Stomach And Have To ,~~===§&&&
##@&%§=~~, Pedal With My Hands. Fuck! I Understand ,~~=§%&@##
#&%%%§=~~, Quickly That The Only Option Here Is To ,~~=§%%%
##@&%§=~~, Pull Over Somewhere And Sit Up ,~~=§%&@##
##@&%§=~~, Straight, As You'Re Supposed To ,~~=§%&@##
#@&%§==~~, ,~~==§%&@#
##@&%§=~~, ,~~=§%&@##
@&&§§=~,,, ,,,~=§§&&@
&%%=~~~~~, ,~~~~~=%%&
#&§=~~~~~, ,~~~~~=§
@%=====~~, ,~~=====%@