##¶@$$;«.. ..«;$$@¶##
¶$$$$$;«.. ..«;$$$$$¶
@$$;...... ......;$$@
##¶@$$;«.. ..«;$$@¶##
@$;«...... ......«;$@
@$$«...... ############### ......«$$@
¶$$$;..... « «# # Hyper-Cat # #« « .....;$$$¶
#@$;«..... ############### .....«;$@#
¶@$;;«.... ....«;;$@¶
¶$$$$«««.. « «# Once There Was A Family With Two ..«««$$$$¶
¶$;«...... Kids. They Were Called Felicia, Johan. ......«;$¶
##¶@$$;«.. The Kids Wanted A Pet, But They ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. Couldn'T Afford It. ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. « «# One Day, When Johan Had Just ..«;$$@¶##
@@$$;«««.. Received His Allowance, He Had Saved ..«««;$$@@
#@$;...... Enough To Get A Particular Cat That Was ......;$@#
###¶@$;«.. For Sale. They Bought One. It Was ..«;$@¶###
##¶@$$;«.. Called Persian. They Made Sure He Had ..«;$$@¶##
#¶$;;..... It Allright. .....;;$¶#
¶@$$$;;«.. « «# One Day, Persian Found A Note On ..«;;$$$@¶
@@@@$$;«.. The Table. It Said: This Is Important! ..«;$$@@@@
#@$««..... This Here Note I Write In My Almost .....««$@#
##¶@$$;«.. Last Moment. Save Me!!! From Enok. ..«;$$@¶##
@$;;;..... « «# Strangely Enough, Persian .....;;;$@
##¶@$$;«.. Understood The Note. He Didn'T Know Who ..«;$$@¶##
¶¶$$$«.... Enok Was, But He Understood It Was ....«$$$¶¶
@$;....... Important. .......;$@
##¶@$$;«.. « «# Miaouuu!!!!! Miaouuuuu!!!!! He ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. MeowEd From The Kitchen. Felicia Came ..«;$$@¶##
#¶@@$$;«.. Running. ..«;$$@@¶#
@@@$$«.... « «# When She Saw The Note She Fainted. ....«$$@@@
###¶$$;«.. Persian Tilted His Head. Then He Ran To ..«;$$¶###
###@$$;«.. Get Felicias And Johans Mother. He ..«;$$@###
@$««...... Pulled, Yes He Pulled Her Into The ......««$@
¶$$;;;;«.. Kitchen (Her Name Was Anna By The Way), ..«;;;;$$¶
##¶@$$;«.. And When She Saw Felicia She ..«;$$@¶##
#@@$$$;«.. Immediately Forgot Persians Powers. ..«;$$$@@#
@@$;...... Suddenly, Persian Got A Red Ruby In His ......;$@@
##¶@$$;«.. Forehead. Then Wings. And After That, A ..«;$$@¶##
@$$;«..... Computer Came Out Of Him On Which It .....«;$$@
##¶@$$;«.. Said ..«;$$@¶##
¶@@@$$;«.. ..«;$$@@@¶
##¶@$$;«.. /%(*(%&&"*/&(!*"/&)=%()(%)%$&&&**$ ..«;$$@¶##
#@$$$«.... ....«$$$@#
##¶@$$;«.. This Was Seen By Felicia Who Had ..«;$$@¶##
@$;«...... Awakened. ......«;$@
##¶@$$;«.. « «# Persian Took Off., And Flew Toward ..«;$$@¶##
#@@@$$;«.. The Window. From His Eyes... From His ..«;$$@@@#
¶@$;;«««.. Eyes Came A Beam That Melted The Window ..«««;;$@¶
##¶@$$;«.. Glass. Outside, Persian Met A Flame. It ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. Was Ninetales. And Ponyta. ..«;$$@¶##
@$$;««.... « «# Persian Landed: He Spoke Vulpix: ....««;$$@
##¶@$$;«.. « «# Then They All Flew Inside. Persian ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. Took Johan. Ninetales Took Felicia. ..«;$$@¶##
@$;««..... Ponyta Took Anna. Now They All Flew .....««;$@
##¶@$$;«.. Together To An Unknown Island. ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. « «# They Saw A House. They Entered It. ..«;$$@¶##
#@$$$$;«.. Inside They Found: Periscope, Money, ..«;$$$$@#
@@@$;..... Food, Laser Pistols, Computerized .....;$@@@
¶$$$$;«... Typewriter And Much More. ...«;$$$$¶
##¶@$$;«.. « «# Johan Looked Through The ..«;$$@¶##
@$;....... Periscope. And Guess What He Saw! His .......;$@
@$;«...... Real House Was On Fire. ......«;$@
##¶@$$;«.. « «# Then He Jumped Onto Ponytas Back. ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. Vulipx Took Care Of Anna. And Persian ..«;$$@¶##
#@$«...... Felicia. Johan Brought A Laser Pistol. ......«$@#
#@$$«..... They Flew Back To The Mainland. And .....«$$@#
@$«....... Landed At The School. Just Then A Lot .......«$@
##¶@$$;«.. Of Dudes With Guns Appeared From The ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. Bushes. ..«;$$@¶##
¶@$;;..... .....;;$@¶
@$$;«..... ««««« - Look Out! They Heard Persian .....«;$$@
###@$$;«.. Call. ..«;$$@###
#¶$;...... ......;$¶#
##¶@$$;«.. « «# Everybody Got Off Their Figure. ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. « «# Vulipx Was Transformed Into ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. Ninetales!!! And Ponyta Was Transformed ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. Into Rapidash!!! ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. « «# Then There Were Fires And Lasers ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. Both Here And There,, ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. « «# The Ninetale Beamed Everyone Onto ..«;$$@¶##
#¶@@$$;«.. The Starship Ss enterprise. They Went ..«;$$@@¶#
##¶@$$;«.. To Something Called Roughly Dimension ..«;$$@¶##
#¶@@$$;«.. Nnn@**$?%. There, There Were Only ..«;$$@@¶#
##¶@$$;«.. Pokemon. ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. « «# Bulbasaur Said: Hello Persian! ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. « «# Johan Was Scared. He Fainted. A ..«;$$@¶##
#¶$$;«.... Sign Said "Dont Exit!". Ninetales Went ....«;$$¶#
#¶¶@$$;«.. That Way. He Is Falling Down A Cliff ..«;$$@¶¶#
¶$$;...... Heeeelp!!! He Screamed. ......;$$¶
###¶@$;«.. ..«;$@¶###
¶$$;;«.... ««««« - Do You Think He Is Dead? ....«;;$$¶
###¶@$$;«. ««««« - Not Ninetales, Said Rapidash. .«;$$@¶###
#@$$«..... .....«$$@#
¶@$$$$;«.. « «# Suddenly, There Were Rainbows ..«;$$$$@¶
@@$«...... Above The Cliff. Then It Happened. A ......«$@@
#@@$;«.... Volcano Erupted. ....«;$@@#
##¶@$$;«.. ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. ««««« - Poor Ninetales! ..«;$$@¶##
#@$$;..... ««««« - Persian, Don'T Cry Now. .....;$$@#
##¶@$$;«.. ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. « «# Anna Found A Green Ruby, And A ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. Blue One. They Beamed At The Volcano. ..«;$$@¶##
@$;;;«.... It Stopped Squirting. ....«;;;$@
##¶@$$;«.. ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. ############### ..«;$$@¶##
¶@@@$$;«.. « «# # Chapter Two # #« « ..«;$$@@@¶
##¶@$$;«.. ############### ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. « «# After A Days Walk They Found A ..«;$$@¶##
@$$$$$;«.. Wolf. ..«;$$$$$@
##¶@$$;«.. ..«;$$@¶##
#¶¶@$$;«.. ««««« - Weird Colour, Haha. ..«;$$@¶¶#
@$$$««.... ««««« - But ....««$$$@
##¶@$$;«.. ««««« - "But" What. ..«;$$@¶##
¶@$;;..... ««««« - Vulpix! It'S Vulpix! .....;;$@¶
##¶@$$;«.. ««««« - You Are Allright... Right? ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. ««««« - Yes. ..«;$$@¶##
¶¶@$«..... .....«$@¶¶
###¶@$;«.. « «# A Dragon! Everyone Ran Into A ..«;$@¶###
##¶@$$;«.. Cave. Enok! You'Re Here! But It Wasn'T ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. Enok. It Was A Kitten. ..«;$$@¶##
¶@$«...... « «# It Had Like A Glowy Thing In It'S ......«$@¶
¶¶$$$;;«.. Forehead. It Told Them It Was Called ..«;;$$$¶¶
##¶@$$;«.. Meowth. Vulpix Told The Story Of What ..«;$$@¶##
@$;««..... Had Happened, And Meow (As It Is .....««;$@
##¶@$$;«.. Pronounced) Wanted To Join Them. After ..«;$$@¶##
#¶$$;..... Eight Hours Of Walking They Spotted A .....;$$¶#
@$$$««.... Knife With Holes In It. ....««$$$@
@@$$$;«... ...«;$$$@@
##¶@$$;«.. ««««« - What A Strange Knife, Said ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. Ninetales. ..«;$$@¶##
@@@$$$;«.. ..«;$$$@@@
##¶@$$;«.. ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. ..«;$$@¶##
##¶@$$;«.. ..«;$$@¶##
@@$;;..... .....;;$@@