£,,,£,£,££ ,£,££,,,,,
,£,,,,,,££ ,,,£££,,,,
,,£,,,,,££ ,,,£,££,,,
,,,£,,,,£, £,,,,£££,,
,,,,£,,,,, ,£,,,£,££,
,,,,,£,,,, ,,£,,,,£££
£,,,,,£,,, ##,, = Ab fubinaca = ,,## ,,,£,,,£,£
££,,,,,£,, #=, ,=# ,,,,£,,,,£
,££,,,,,£, £,,,,£,,,£
,£££,,,,,£ #=================# ££,,,,£,,,
,£,££,,,,, \\\ A Cannabinoid \\\ £££,,,,£,,
,,,£££,,,, #=================# £,££,,,,£,
,,,£,££,,, ,,£££,,,,£
£,,,,£££,, Indeed A Cannabinoid, Ab fubinaca Is A ,,£,££,,,,
,£,,,£,££, Last Resort For Forsaken People. It £,,,£££,,,
,,£,,,,£££ Alters Your Metaphysical Trajectory, ££,,£,££,,
,,,£,,,£,£ Which Abolutely Dooms You Should You £££,,,£££,
,,,,£,,,,£ Not Already Be So. It Alters Your £,££,,£,££
£,,,,£,,,£ Sleep, Makes It Dusty And Fragmented, ,,£££,,,££
££,,,,£,,, Vapourous.. Until, With A High Enough ,,£,££,,£,
£££,,,,£,, Dosage, It Is Completely Cauterized £,,,£££,,,
£,££,,,,£, From Your Body... ££,,£,££,,
,,£££,,,,£ ,££,,,£££,
,,£,££,,,, It'S An Evil, Alien Weed High, Trading ,£££,,£,££
£,,,£££,,, Your Time For A Sharper Vision, So ,£,££,,,££
££,,£,££,, Sharp It Cuts Right Through Your Eyes ,,,£££,,£,
£££,,,£££, And Into Your Brain. ,,,£,££,,,
£,££,,£,££ ,,,,,£££,,
,,£££,,,££ Your Muscles Are Rythmically Severed, ,,,,,£,££,
,,£,££,,£, Momentarily Losing All Connection With £,,,,,,£££
£,,,£££,,, The Nervous System, And When The String ££,,,,,£,£
££,,£,££,, Snaps They Keep Their Trajectory, £££,,,,,,£
,££,,,£££, Moving Unthinkingly In A Straight Line. £,££,,,,,£
,£££,,£,££ You May Adjust Their Direction Maybe ,,£££,,,,,
,£,££,,,££ Once A Second. Everything Happens In ,,£,££,,,,
,,,£££,,£, Chunks, Delivered To Your Senses After £,,,£££,,,
,,,£,££,,, The Fact. (It'S Somewhat Hard To ££,,£,££,,
,,,,,£££,, Breathe Like This) ,££,,,£££,
,,,,,£,££, ,£££,,£,££
£,,,,,,£££ ##,,## ,£,££,,,££
££,,,,,£,£ Tiny Report ,,,£££,,£,
£££,,,,,,£ ##,,## £,,£,££,,,
£,££,,,,,£ ££,,,£££,,
,,£££,,,,, \ Later I'Ll Be Fine, But I'M So Damn £££,,£,££,
,,£,££,,,, High On The Fuub Shit. Space flight £,££,,,£££
£,,,£££,,, \ Now Back Later, Dwelling. I'M So ,,£££,,£,£
££,,£,££,, High That It Somehow Hurts. Also Feels ,,£,££,,,£
,££,,,£££, As Like The Eyes Are Completely Dry ,,,,£££,,£
,£££,,£,££ \ Some Shit, Now Not So High. ,,,,£,££,,
,£,££,,,££ Well, We Fucked Shit Up ,,,,,,£££,
,,,£££,,£, \ Now Even More Sober. I Was Scared ,,,,,,£,££
£,,£,££,,, Before. Ab-Fuck Is Evil And Toxic ,,,,,,,,££
££,,,£££,, When You'Re Really Using It. It Only £,,,,,,,£,
£££,,£,££, Lasts For Like Fourty Minutes Though. ,£,,,,,,,,
£,££,,,£££ \ It Seems So ... Really Weird Stuff! ,,£,,,,,,,
,,£££,,£,£ \ A Little More Sober Now And I'M So ,,,£,,,,,,
,,£,££,,,£ Damn Tired. Feels Like Two, Three ,,,,£,,,,,
,,,,£££,,£ Years Ago That I Got Stuck In This ,,,,,£,,,,
,,,,£,££,, Fubinaca High, Stuck In One And Stuck £,,,,,£,,,
,,,,,,£££, There Because ... Feels That Way. In ££,,,,,£,,
,,,,,,£,££ My Brain. ,££,,,,,£,
,,,,,,,,££ \ So Damn Quiet Out There. And ,£££,,,,,£
£,,,,,,,£, Beautiful, And Cute, And. Aaaahhhh. ,£,££,,,,,
,£,,,,,,,, Robotic Soaring. Body Remodel. Tail ,,,£££,,,,
,,£,,,,,,, \ My Eyes Have Cried Out The Alien ,,,£,££,,,
,,,£,,,,,, Substance And I'M Somehow Back At My £,,,,£££,,
,,,,£,,,,, Baseline..? I No Longer Believe I ,£,,,£,££,
,,,,,£,,,, Have Been Damaged, At All ,,£,,,,£££
£,,,,,£,,, ,,,£,,,£,£
££,,,,,£,, ,,,,£,,,,£
,££,,,,,£, £,,,,£,,,£
,£££,,,,,£ ££,,,,£,,,
,£,££,,,,, £££,,,,£,,