~undefined undefined~
~undefined undefined~
~undefined undefined~
~undefined undefined~
~undefined undefined~
~undefined ,.,¨.¨.,¨¨¨.¨.,,¨,,¨¨¨¨.,.¨¨..,,,., undefined~
~undefined ¨ ethereal void convenience store . undefined~
~undefined ,,.¨,,,,.,,,,,,.,........¨¨.,¨,,,¨. undefined~
~undefined undefined~
~undefined twenty-four/seven? so close-minded. so undefined~
~undefined timebound. undefined~
~undefined undefined~
~undefined »»»«--«~-«««==~»«=~~«~=-=-~ undefined~
~undefined » infinity/infinity diner ~ undefined~
~undefined ~~----~~-~««»-»~«-«»«~~»~»= undefined~
~undefined undefined~
~undefined directions? i mean, i don't think you undefined~
~undefined get it. undefined~
~undefined undefined~
~undefined ..¨.¨,,..¨,....,¨¨¨.¨,,¨, undefined~
~undefined , singularity gift-shop , undefined~
~undefined ¨.¨¨..,,,,¨¨,¨,...¨¨.¨.., undefined~
~undefined undefined~
~undefined (we also sell condoms) undefined~
¶$%~¨.,,¨¨ it's very dark in here. dark and big, a ¨¨,,.¨~%$¶
&£$=,¨,.¨. few colored lights scattered in an .¨.,¨,=$£&
£@¤¤%†*~., enormous hall. coincidentally, this is ,.~*†%¤¤@£
¤%=^/«¨.¨¨ where i work. ¨¨.¨«/^=%¤
#@£&£§;«., ,.«;§£&£@#
#@@£$*;~.. i must have eaten a drug, or maybe it's ..~;*$£@@#
@§%^†;=,,¨ just the nature of the place, but it ¨,,=;†^%§@
@#¤$@§\»^, feels like i have eaten a drug. too ,^»\§@$¤#@
##@¤§^†=^. confident, too malleable. i feel good, .^=†^§¤@##
###&£†*~,, too good to be bored, which i guess is ,,~*†£##
@£%/=~¨,¨¨ the point. ¨¨,¨~=/%£@
@$==..¨..¨ ¨..¨..==$@
###£**^=.. i doze off, daydream... or maybe i fall ..=^**£###
@%=;-,-..¨ asleep for real. i dream of work, and ¨..-,-;=%@
###£&§;»,. wake up at work, so the line is blurry. .,»;§&£###
*«¨,,,., ,.,,,¨«*#&
§*†*-«:,.¨ someone new has come when i was out. ¨.,:«-*†*§
££%*~:..,. their black sillhouette contrasts with .,..:~*%££
@@£#%^:«., the hazy nebulosas mirrored in the ,.«:^%#£@@
#@#§$††-,, obsidian floor. i take their money, ,,-††$§#@#
###¶§%%\~^ which i don't understand, but the ^~\%%§¶###
@@£¤%§*~~. machine accepts it. .~~*§%¤£@@
@@=\^-,,¨, ,¨,,-^\=@@
#@£§%%^»., from outside there's a bunch of whining ,.»^%%§£@#
#£%\~~¨,,¨ tones, like a chord. the beverage ¨,,¨~~\%£#
##@¤£*:=~, fridge adds a sharp, dark drone. the ,~=:*£¤@##
##¶&&=^«,, dining area is vast and people are ,,«^=&&¶##
#&@%%=^.,, cluttered like charcoal islands, their ,,.^=%%@
##@@*^\-^. voices in another language. or in .^-\^*@@##
£¤&*~^:,.. another medium, and i'm only able to ..,:^~*&¤£
#¤*$«..¨¨¨ percieve the wake of their words. ¨¨¨..«$*¤#
@@¶§@$\»~. .~»\$@§¶@@
@#§£%\»-:, ,:-»\%£§#@
##@§%††~,, ,,~††%§@##
£&^»,¨¨¨.¨ ¨.¨¨¨,»^&£
§*^*\~«¨,¨ ¨,¨«~\*^*§
@$$~~~¨.,¨ ¨,.¨~~~$$@
@#££§*=«-¨ ¨-«=*§££#@