.#,,.¨¨,¨, ,&£¨.#§.&¨
&§.,¨¨¨¨,£ ,¨#,@.¤,£¨
.#.¨,.¨,£, ,£¤,£¨£¨§.
£@,¨,¨,@@¨ ¨,£¨¤¨#.£.
,#...¨§,@. .££.#¨§.¤.
£¤¨,,#£¨¤. ¨ ¨ . .¨&,£¨&,¤.
.#¨¨§,&¨§, . ,&&¨£¨@¨§.
§@¨&&,§,@. . . ¨.&,£,§.¤,
.§¨.@,§.#, % Tiny Blue Purple ¨£&¨&.#¨§.
@£,#¤,£.§¨ . Seal-Like (Selkie?) Creature ¨ ..#.£¨£,£.
.&,,@,£¨¤¨ Hovering In Orbit Around= ,£§.#¨§.&.
@@,§@,§¨§¨ The Earth, Spinning, Chasing. ¨,§¨¤.£,£.
¨§¨.#,£,&. , ¨ ¨#&¨#.§.¤,
£§.&£¨&.§, Looks At The Sun With Laser Eyes, ,¨£.&¨§.#,
.&¨¨§¨&,£¨ Looks At The Earth'S Power Grid,. ,@#¨£.@¨@.
#&,¤#¨@.§. , ¨ , ¨¨&¨£.@,¤,
¨&.¨£¨£.&, Says "Hmm...." » .#§.#.§¨§¨
&@,§@¨@,@. , ¨,@,@,@.§,
.@,,#.&.&, = . ¨§£¨@¨£.¤.
¤§.#¤,@,@, , - ¨¨@.£.¤,&,
.§¨¨¤.¤.¤¨ She Swims Toward The Iss. ¨@@,&.¤.£.
£#,££.§,¤. Matches Velocity, Phases Through The ¨,@.¤,&¨&,
.#.¨#,£.¤. Wall To A Pockocmoc Scientist, ¨ ,¤&¨¤¨&,@.
§@¨@£¨¤.@, , , ..&¨£.&.@.
,£.,&,§¨¤, She Says, "Hello", ¨@#.@,£,§¨
#¤.§@,£,£, She Says "Are You Aware That .¨@.§.#.§¨
.§,,&¨&,&. There'S A Burst .&£.&,#.@,
§§,£&.¤.@. = Coming?" % .,@,@¨&.#,
.@¨¨@¨§,£, = ¨@#.§.#¨&¨
¨#@.¤,@¨ ~ And The Station Personnel ¨.£,¤¨§,¤¨
,#.¨#,@,#. Are Like, No, What, « .§&,#.¤,@,
¤&,@&,£,¤¨ Who Are You, Etcetera, Etcetera. .¨¤,£¨¤¨§,
.#,.&.@.@¨ * \ .§§,§.¤¨¤.
§£,¤§¨§¨#, She Says†"I Can Protect You ¨.&¨@,#.§¨
.@.,¤.¤¨@, \ In Your Tin Can, ^ * ¨&¤,£¨&,§.
§§¨§#.@,&, But Your Planetary Friends, £ ,.¤,@¨£,¤¨
.£.¨¤,§,#. Their Grid Will Be Burned." § .#&,@.@¨§.
§#¨¤¤,¤,§. % = $ * ¨¨£.&¨§¨¤¨
.#..&.§,¤¨ She Says "You Will Be Alone £ & ,&¤.¤.#.@¨
£§.£@.#¨#, # For A While". % ^ ¨.¤.&,&.&.
¨§¨.§,&,§¨ ¤ § £ .£&.&,@¨@¨
@&¨#£,£,§, # £ £ * ¤ # §£ = % .,@,§¨@¨§,
.£,.§.@¨£. ^^The Selkie Phases Back Out,,,.,£,@,::~ ¨¤@,§.#,#.
#¤,§@¨#.£, #†£=£*§;&*#Spreads Her Membranes,;&;¤\#/ ¨,¤¨¤.§,§,
¨¤.,#.&.£, §§££¤$$$@$*£Like Fluid Insect Wings,§£%$ .#&.¤,@.#,
§&¨#¤¨@.&¨ #,,# #¨A Dark Glimmering Laserdisc.#,# # ¨¨@.§,@.¤,
,#¨¨§,£,£¨ ,. ¨ . . ¨ ¨, , ¨@£¨¤¨£,#.
&£¨,@,£, ,, She Feeds.On.The Particles When¨ ~ ¨.£¨#,@.£,
,&,,#¨#¨£, ¨, They Hit Her Stretched Skin. . ^ ¨§@¨£¨@¨§¨
§&..&¨#. ,¨ And Behind¨Here Is¨A Shadow, And . ,¨&.@¨&.£,
.£,,#¨@¨&¨ .In That Shadow¨Is The Space Station.. .¤£,&,§,£.
§¤,#@¨#.&. . . ¨ , , ^ .¨£.&¨¤,¤,
¨£..#.£,¤, . . , ¨ ^ .@#,#,¤,@.
£@.§@.@.§. A Month Later,.The Earth Is Still-Dark. .¨@.§.§.§.
,§,.§,#¨£, There'S No Contact, . , ¨#&,#,&.¤.
¤£.#@,&.#, Maybe Some Shortwave And Shit,~ ,¨#.&.§¨¤,
,@¨,£,¤¨@. ^ Confirming That Some - ¨§&¨¤¨§.¤,
£¤,@@,&,#. - Society'S Still There. ,,£.§¨¤.#¨
¨£¨.§¨#,¤, . , .¤@¨£¨#.¤,
@#,£#.¤,£. , The Astronauts Are Unwell - ,.£.§¨£.@,
¨¤¨.§¨¤,#. They Degenerate, In Weird ¨#&.§.£¨§,
&£,@&.§.&. Selkie-Induced Nursing Sleep, ,,#.&¨§.£.
.@..#¨£¨#¨ To Keep Their Heartbeats Slow. ,@#.§.@¨#,
&§.@£,£,@. ..&,¤,@¨§,
.¤,¨£.¤¨¤, ¨§¤¨§,£,&¨
§@.#§,§,&, .,#,@.£,&.
.§.¨¤,#.£¨ .@@¨&,§,¤,
§@¨¤#.§¨#. .,&¨#,¤.¤.
¨£.,¤.¤.#¨ .¤£.£¨&,&,
#§.@§¨§.@, ¨,¤¨&¨@.£,
,£¨.¤¨£¨£. ,#¤¨@.£¨£¨
@&,&§¨&.§¨ ,¨§¨@.£.§.
,&,.¤¨&.@¨ ¨@&,§.§,@,