.....~~§$@ @$§~~.....
.~~**§§¤¤# #¤¤§§**~~.
.~~*§$¤@## ##@¤$§*~~.
.~~*§$$¤¤# #¤¤$$§*~~.
.~~~~~~§¤¤ ¤¤§~~~~~~.
.~~§$¤@### ######################################## ###@¤$§~~.
.~~*§$¤### #¤#¤#¤¤¤§¤§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§¤§¤¤¤#¤#¤# ###¤$§*~~.
.~~*§$¤@## §*#§#§¤ a little critter can ¤*#§#*§ ##@¤$§*~~.
.~~*$¤@### ~~~~#~§ be held in your hand. §~#~~~~ ###@¤$*~~.
.~~*§$¤@## ~.~.~.~§~§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§~§~.~.~.~ ##@¤$§*~~.
.~~*§$¤@## ##@¤$§*~~.
....~**§¤¤ open its capsule to ressurect it ¤¤§**~....
.~~*§$¤@## (letting it breathe real air for the ##@¤$§*~~.
.~~*§$¤@@@ first time activates its metabolism) @@@¤$§*~~.
...~~*$$¤¤ ¤¤$$*~~...
.~~*§$¤@## and there's your tiny creature! ##@¤$§*~~.
.~~*§$¤@## ##@¤$§*~~.
.~~*$¤@### § ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ § ###@¤$*~~.
...~~~~§$¤ you can put it in situations, ¤$§~~~~...
.~~*§§§$¤# you can dress it up, #¤$§§§*~~.
.~~*§$¤@## and you can eat it. (completely safe, ##@¤$§*~~.
.~~~~§§$@# and a lot of fun! #@$§§~~~~.
.~~*§$¤@## they're very delicious.) ##@¤$§*~~.
....~**§¤# § ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ § #¤§**~....
..~~~~~§¤# #¤§~~~~~..
.~~*§$¤@## the capsule critters are concieved by ##@¤$§*~~.
.~~*§$¤@@@ our skillful bioengineers, and @@@¤$§*~~.
.~~*§§§$$¤ mass-produced in three factory ¤$$§§§*~~.
.~~*§$¤@## locations. after quality testing, they ##@¤$§*~~.
.~~*§$¤@## are shipped to various distribution ##@¤$§*~~.
.~~*§$¤@@# centers, and from there to your local #@@¤$§*~~.
.~~*§§§§¤¤ store. ¤¤§§§§*~~.
.~~*§$¤### ###¤$§*~~.
.~~*§$¤### a single creature toy/snack can be used ###¤$§*~~.
.~~***$$¤# for about two weeks, if fed properly #¤$$***~~.
.~~*§$¤@## with sugary water, before it runs out ##@¤$§*~~.
.~~*§§§$¤¤ of nutrients. (nutrients are ¤¤$§§§*~~.
.~~*§$¤### proprietary and not sold to end-users). ###¤$§*~~.
.~~*§$¤@## ##@¤$§*~~.
.....~*$¤@ @¤$*~.....
..~~~~**$@ @$**~~~~..
.~~*§$¤@## ##@¤$§*~~.
.~~*§$¤@## ##@¤$§*~~.