££**»»:,,, ,,,:»»**££
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##£££**»:, ## ,:»**£££##
#££££**»:, ### ** ### ,:»**££££#
##£££**»:, #### £££ ,, £££ #### ,:»**£££##
##£££**»:, ££££ ** ** ££££ ,:»**£££##
££*:,,,,,, ££££ ,, ,, ££££ ,,,,,,:*££
##£££**»:, »»»» »»»» ,:»**£££##
£££***»,,, , link , ,,,»***£££
£**»:,,,,, collection!! ,,,,,:»**£
££*:,,,,,, »»,, ,,»» ,,,,,,:*££
£**»:::,,, ££££££££££££ ££££££££££££ ,,,:::»**£
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
£**»:,,,,, ,,,,,:»**£
££££***»:, ,:»***££££
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
##£££**»:, ,,#,, ,:»**£££##
##£££**»:, ,,,## cool people ##,,, ,:»**£££##
£££*»,,,,, ,,#,, ,,,,,»*£££
££*»,,,,,, ,,,,,,»*££
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
###££**»:, loren schmidt is a game/world/rule ,:»**££###
###££**»:, designer, very good, check them out!!! ,:»**££###
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
££*»:,,,,, incredible fiction and games by ,,,,,:»*££
##£££**»:, porpentine ,:»**£££##
£**:,,,,,, ,,,,,,:**£
£££**::,,, eighteyes - girlworld ,,,::**£££
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
££££**:,,, alcopopstar ,,,:**££££
££*»»,,,,, ,,,,,»»*££
##£££**»:, visit the harmony zone home of the ,:»**£££##
##£££**»:, magic wand ,:»**£££##
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
##£££**»:, gijs gieskes makes electroacoustic ,:»**£££##
#££*:,,,,, gadgets, trinkets, installations ,,,,,:*££#
###££**»:, ,:»**££###
##£££**»:, check out the website of ciat lonbarde ,:»**£££##
££**»»,,,, who makes synths and/or circuits ,,,,»»**££
£££££**»:, ,:»**£££££
£££*»,,,,, slugbug is pauls incredible music, ,,,,,»*£££
##£££**»:, studio + synth repair ,:»**£££##
£**»:,,,,, ,,,,,:»**£
##£££**»:, my good friend manne moquist has a web!! ,:»**£££##
£*»,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,»*£
££*::,,,,, rest in peace holykonni dot com :( ,,,,,::*££
##£££**»:, check out konni's comic - towga comic ,:»**£££##
#£££*:,,,, ,,,,:*£££#
££**»::,,, marlbara ,,,::»**££
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
£££*»»::,, ixt orange ,,::»»*£££
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
###££**»:, synkretie ,:»**££###
###££**»:, ,:»**££###
£***»,,,,, dryad technology ,,,,,»***£
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
££**»»»,,, magnus myrtveit ,,,»»»**££
££*»,,,,,, ,,,,,,»*££
£**:,,,,,, transformer di roboter cool band ,,,,,,:**£
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
££*»:::,,, aanaaanaaanaaana.net ,,,:::»*££
##£££**»:, (was domain jacked, sorry) ,:»**£££##
###££**»:, ,:»**££###
###£££**:, ,:**£££###
###££**»:, ,:»**££###
£**»:,,,,, ,,,,,:»**£
£££*»»::,, ,,#,, ,,::»»*£££
£££££**»:, ,,,## cool things ##,,, ,:»**£££££
##£££**»:, ,,#,, ,:»**£££##
£**»::,,,, ,,,,::»**£
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
##£££**»:, here's jellicas nsfw teletext art ,:»**£££##
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
££*:,,,,,, a map of milky way, very cool ,,,,,,:*££
#££££**»:, ,:»**££££#
#££££**»:, not sure what ug programm is but ,:»**££££#
£££££**»:, there's cool writing there ,:»**£££££
###£££**»: :»**£££###
£**:,,,,,, the personal image finder finds ,,,,,,:**£
###£££*»:, personal images which can be a good time ,:»*£££###
£££**:,,,, ,,,,:**£££
##£££**»:, tony luisi and his vcs three ,:»**£££##
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
###££**»:, my fav game magic wand ,:»**££###
£££££**»:, seriously very good its about ,:»**£££££
##£££**»:, hamperdan, capsule toys, arbitrary ,:»**£££##
££££***»:, roaming around, and having bad memory ,:»***££££
£***»»:,,, ,,,:»»***£
#££***»»:, tratex is the typeface used on swedish ,:»»***££#
££***»:,,, road signs ,,,:»***££
££££*»»,,, ,,,»»*££££
##£££**»:, samples from a lot of music machines ,:»**£££##
###£££*»:, ,:»*£££###
##£££**»:, kawaiik is quake but cool ,:»**£££##
###££**»:, ,:»**££###
##£££**»:, isotopes of tin ,:»**£££##
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
££*»,,,,,, , number of electrons in each shell , ,,,,,,»*££
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
###£££*»:, wiki: island of stability ,:»*£££###
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
££****»,,, there's live electricity stats of ,,,»****££
##£££**»:, swedens power grid on svk's website ,:»**£££##
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
##£££**»:, a mind is born (two hundred fiftysix ,:»**£££##
###£££**»: bytes) :»**£££###
£££££**»:, ,:»**£££££
££££**»:,, this fursona does not exist is cool to ,,:»**££££
##£££**»:, look at although the way they acquired ,:»**£££##
£***::,,,, a training set :/ is a bit iffy :/ ,,,,::***£
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
#££****»:, arduino for musicians a book i did not ,:»****££#
#££*:,,,,, read yet sorry ,,,,,:*££#
££**:,,,,, ,,,,,:**££
##£££**»:, a lightweight online weather report ,:»**£££##
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
££**»»:::, miniature synths ,:::»»**££
£££££**»:, ,:»**£££££
###££**»:, nudat interactive isotope chart thing ,:»**££###
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
£**»,,,,,, orca language for music programming ,,,,,,»**£
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
#££*»,,,,, ,,,,,::»»**£#£**»»::,,,,, ,,,,,»*££#
£££*»,,,,, ,,,,,»*£££
£*»»::,,,, ,,,,::»»*£
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
#££*»,,,,, ,,,,,»*££#
##£££**»:, ,:»**£££##
££***»»:,, ,,:»»***££