###&*%;»^. .^»;%*##
###&*%;»^. .^»;%*##
&&***%;»^. .^»;%***&&
###&*%;»^. .^»;%*##
##*;;^.... ....^;;*##
###&*%;»^. *»»* .^»;%*##
&&%»^..... * *»» veszelle »»* * .....^»%&&
###&*%;»^. *»»* .^»;%*##
###&*%;»^. .^»;%*##
###&*%;»^. the city in the middle of kirugu vargir .^»;%*##
&&%;»»^... and/or ...^»»;%&&
###&*%;»^. a girl dreaming the whole thing .^»;%*##
#&&%%%;»^. .^»;%%%&
###&*%;»^. *» about that »* .^»;%*##
###&*%;»^. .^»;%*##
#***%»^^^. the veszelle (city) slash kirugu vargir .^^^»%***#
&*;;^..... origin story goes a little like: .....^;;*&
#&%%;^^... girl falls asleep and dreams up city. ...^^;%%
###&*%;»^. city witches know whats up and .^»;%*##
&%%;^..... planeswalk over to earth and kidnap her. .....^;%%&
&&&%;;;»^. .^»;;;%&&&
##&&*%;»^. now the dreamer is inside her own dream .^»;%*&#
##*%%%;»^. which is cool because it's .^»;%%%*##
###&*%;»^. self-contaned (hehe) .^»;%*##
#&&&*%;»^. .^»;%*&&
#***%%;»^. also she doesn't wake for some reason .^»;%%***#
###&*%;»^. and this works for several thousand .^»;%*##
&&&*;^.... years, while from the city slowly a ....^;*&&&
###&*%;»^. whole world evolves - that's ya boy .^»;%*##
###&*%;»^. .^»;%*##
###&*%;»^. .^»;%*##
###&*%;»^. .^»;%*##
#&&*;»»... ...»»;*&
###&*%;»^. .^»;%*##