###£&%=~-. .-~=%&£###
#&=~---... ...---~=
#£££&%=~-. .-~=%&£££#
#£&%%%=~-. .-~=%%%&£#
#££%%%=~-. .-~=%%%££#
###£&%=~-. .-~=%&£###
£%=----... speed hole ...----=%£
###£&%=~-. =====.==== .-~=%&£###
£%=~~..... .....~~=%£
£££%~..... turn your walkman like a turtle. there .....~%£££
###£&%=~-. might be something there that looks .-~=%&£###
#&&&%==~-. like a screw hole but it could be a .-~==%&&
####&%=~-. speed hole. .-~=%###
####£&%=~- the rule is if you can't get a -~=%&£####
##&&===~-. reasonably small screwdriver in there, .-~===&#
####&%=~-. it's not a screw hole. .-~=%###
#£%%=--... ...--=%%£#
###£&%=~-. £ usage £ .-~=%&£###
££%===-... ...-===%££
###£&%=~-. use the speed hole like a screw hole .-~=%&£###
£%=-...... but with a tinier screwdriver ......-=%£
###£&%=~-. .-~=%&£###
###£&%=~-. # this # .-~=%&£###
£%%~-..... # adjusts # .....-~%%£
####£&=~-. # the # .-~=&£####
###£&%=~-. .£ pitch £. .-~=%&£###
###£&%=~-. .-~=%&£###
###£&%=~-. some cassette players have speed screws .-~=%&£###
####£%=~-. but no holes for them. to get to those .-~=%£####
###£&%=~-. screws you need to dissasemble the .-~=%&£###
###£&%=~-. whole thing. could be worth it .-~=%&£###
###£&%=~-. .-~=%&£###
£%~--..... .....--~%£
£££%%=-... ...-=%%£££
###£&%=~-. .-~=%&£###
##£&=-.... ....-=&£##