.,~=%£@£@# #@£@£%=~,.
.,~=%%£@£@ @£@£%%=~,.
.,~=%£@£@# #@£@£%=~,.
...,,=%£@@ @@£%=,,...
.....~~%@@ @@%~~.....
.,~=%£@£@# #@£@£%=~,.
.,,~~===%@ ,,,#. "time" .#,,, @%===~~,,.
.,~=%%%%@@ £@......@£ @@%%%%=~,.
.,~=%£@£@# #@£@£%=~,.
....,,=££@ the passing of things or states after @££=,,....
....,=%@@£ each other in the dream. £@@%=,....
.,~=%£@£@# people and animals are expected to #@£@£%=~,.
.,~=%£@£@# adhere to this mostly. #@£@£%=~,.
.,~=%£@£@# #@£@£%=~,.
...,,,~=££ ~ ~@~ ~ ££=~,,,...
.,~=%££@£@ @£@££%=~,.
....,~~%£@ for practice, try to envision what you @£%~~,....
.,~=%£@@## are doing and what you want to be ##@@£%=~,.
.,~=%£@£££ doing, and imagine a path between the £££@£%=~,.
.,~=%£@£## two. ##£@£%=~,.
..,~~~~=££ ££=~~~~,..
.,,,,,,=%@ (if you are fine where you are, forget @%=,,,,,,.
.,~~~=£@@@ this concept immediately.) @@@£=~~~,.
.,~=%£@£@# #@£@£%=~,.
.,~=%£££££ £££££%=~,.
.,~=%£@£££ £££@£%=~,.
.,~=%£@£## ##£@£%=~,.
....,,~%@£ £@%~,,....