##$/:..... .....:/$##
§§$/«:.... ....:«/$§§
§§/«...... ......«/§§
#§§§«:.... ....:«§§§#
#@#§$§/«:. .:«/§$§#@#
@@#§$§/«:. # «««««««««««««««««««« # .:«/§$§#@@
###§$§/«:. / the wolf pool exists / .:«/§$§###
#§§§$§/«:. / in a stale timeline, / .:«/§$§§§#
#@#§$§/«:. / branched way back / .:«/§$§#@#
##§§$§/«:. / when kirugu vargir / .:«/§$§§##
@#$/««««:. / was almost barren, / .:««««/$#@
#$§«««:::. comprised mostly of rock and arid soil, .:::«««§$#
§§§$$§/«:. and plants were only starting to grow, .:«/§$$§§§
#$//«..... / at all... / .....«//$#
#§§§«..... # «««««««««««««««««««« # .....«§§§#
###@§@$/,, ,,/$@§@###
#@#&§%=~^¨ misplaced explorers traverse the ¨^~=%§@#
##@£%%*».¨ landscape, searching for a way back, ¨.»*%%£@##
##@@£%$;~, finding instead only stone and dirt and ,~;$%£@@##
#@@#%§\=-, roots that are as hard as the ground. ,-=\§%#@@#
##£@%^:»-. it's getting dark, they are thirsty, .-»:^%@£##
#£#§«..,¨. and about to find the wolf pool. .¨,..«§#£#
#@***»«»~. .~»«»***@#
#£#&%%\~.¨ .#, ¨.~\%%£#
£@§§:~,.¨, ,¨.,~:§§@£
£¶£&%%;-^, the pool lies in a small meteorite ,^-;%%&£¶£
####$†:~,, impact crater, sixty meters across. ,,~:†$####
###@%^:»,, it's surface is pitch black and even ,,»:^%@###
#@@@£%;=.¨ though it's not well protected, it is ¨.=;%£@@@#
##@@¤§;«., undisturbed by wind. ,.«;§¤@@##
#@#§$$†«,¨ ¨,«†$$§#@#
##@@#§=~,. .#. .,~=§#@@##
##£¤¤%;»:¨ ¨:»;%¤¤£##
##¶&$^=~,¨ as they stumble on the pool, the ¨,~=^$&¶##
££^\~.,¨,¨ explorers first believe it to be water, ¨,¨,.~\^££
§=*/;:^.,¨ which is something they all desire ¨,.^:;/*=§
##@¤*†\~^, greatly at this point. they fail to ,^~\†*¤@##
#@$%-»«~~, notice that the stars do not reflect on ,~~«»-%$@#
###&£$=~~¨ its surface. one of them crouches to ¨~~=$£##
#@#@£*^«.. drink, forms a cup with his hands, ..«^*£@#@#
###£§†/~:¨ lowers the cup into the pool. ¨:~/†§£###
¤§%=«...,¨ ¨,...«=%§¤
@&$^~,¨,¨, he tries to resist at first, but is too ,¨,¨,~^$&@
##¶§%*/~,. close, and he quickly gives up as the .,~/*%§¶##
###£$=:«.. liquid flows into his mind. the others, ..«:=$£###
##@#£^*«-, ~ not understanding the~danger, move ,-«*^£#@##
###¤¤*:~,, closer to help their¨friend. ,,~:*¤¤###
@&&†:,,,¨¨ ¨ - ~ , ¨ ¨¨,,,:†&&@
##¶§£§/~,¨ and.then¨the,pool¨announces,itself ¨,~/§£§¶##
&¤#£;~=-^. to,them,-¨sudden¨,.thoughts.of, .^-=~;£#¤&
@^^,¨¨¨,¨¨ ¨,»dark«wolves-,climbing:out,of,~^» ¨¨,¨¨¨,^^@
####£^;~^. «~-the=pool,«surrounding=them\-//† .^~;^£####
¤^$»¨.¨.,, ^sudden†thoughts*of~~;climbing:$$ ,,.¨.¨»$^¤
#@#§¤*†»-. into%the=pool,†their*thirst%flaring† .-»†*¤§#@#
@£^$«..... ==*bright%-§¤a¤sudden§§awareness# .....«$^£@
#@#¤£**-,, #&of$§exactly§£how¤they#had¤traveled, ,,-**£¤#@#
#%£$†\=-:, #@of¤the#way#home¶#to#the£time@from@¶ ,:-=\†$£%#
#@#&$^\-~, ##where@they@came,@@@##@#and@then#@## ,~-\^$@#
##¶¤£=;~~. #####the#feeling#of#this§knowledge/» .~~;=£¤¶##
#@#¤£§=«,¨ «»being = stolen =~ from ==~ them. , ¨,«=§£¤#@#
###@%*^~:. -~ ¨ =«« , «. ^= ~ .:~^*%@###
##@\.¨,¨.¨ ^ ~, - , ¨.¨,¨.\@##
§£*%^-,.,, ¨ . . * ,,.,-^%*£§
§£§%~¨.,., ,.,.¨~%§£§
£$£;†.,,¨. .#, .¨,,.†;£$£
#£*:~~¨,¨. .¨,¨~~:*£#
##§¤%†=»-, and, ,-»=†%¤§##
¶#¶#§^*=,. .,=*^§#¶#¶
####§%^~-¨ now the reach of the pool has widened. ¨-~^%§####
##@¶¤%=»:, now its wolves see further. ,:»=%¤¶@##
&&@*^~«,,, ,,,«~^*@&&
§$*,¨.¨,,, ,,,¨.¨,*$§
#@¶¤%*/«:, ,:«/*%¤¶@#
###&£^:~:, ,:~:^£##
###&£**«.. ..«**£##