.....»»%#@ @#%»».....
.~»^%££### ###££%^»~.
.~»^^^^£@@ @@£^^^^»~.
.~»^%£#@@# #@@#£%^»~.
...~»^^%## ##%^^»~...
.~»^^%%%#@ @#%%%^^»~.
.~»^%£#@@@ .parts. .of. .the. .electric. .computer. @@@#£%^»~.
....~~^££@ @££^~~....
.~»^%£#@## .... .... .... ##@#£%^»~.
.~»^^%%##@ @##%%^^»~.
....~»%£@@ @@£%»~....
.~»^%%%##@ ~ the resistor ~ @##%%%^»~.
....~»»^£# it resists electricity. it can be good #£^»»~....
.....~»^%# or bad at this and this property is #%^»~.....
.~»^%£#@@@ measured in .ohms.. resistors practice @@@#£%^»~.
.~»^%£#@@@ aposematism, showing with colours how @@@#£%^»~.
.~»^£#@@## dangerous they are. ##@@#£^»~.
.~»^%££££@ @££££%^»~.
...»^%%£#@ ~ the capacitor ~ @#£%%^»...
.~»^%£#@@# this is an ephemeral battery and #@@#£%^»~.
......»^£# voltage multiplier, used for load #£^»......
..~»»^^%%# balancing and for defence. #%%^^»»~..
.~»^%£#@## ##@#£%^»~.
.....»%%£# ~ the lodestone ~ #£%%».....
...»»%%£@@ stores a position in a magnetic field @@£%%»»...
.~»^%£#@## and outputs electricity when moving ##@#£%^»~.
.~»^%%%##@ closer or further from it. @##%%%^»~.
.~»^%£#@@# #@@#£%^»~.
.~»^%£###@ ~ the schottky diode ~ @###£%^»~.
.~»^%£#@@# this component limits the flow of #@@#£%^»~.
....~~~^£# electricity through itself to go in one #£^~~~....
.~»^%£#@## direction only. ##@#£%^»~.
.~»^^^%##@ @##%^^^»~.
.~»^%£#@## ~ the mustelid probe ~ ##@#£%^»~.
...~~»^^£# measures distance to (uncloaked) #£^^»~~...
.~»^%£#@@@ ferrets. @@@#£%^»~.
..~~~^%££@ @££%^~~~..
.~»^%££#@@ ~the cat wire ~ @@#££%^»~.
..~»»»^££@ a wire used to connect machines and @££^»»»~..
.~»^%£#@@@ appliances to each other. @@@#£%^»~.
.~»^%£#@@@ @@@#£%^»~.
...»»^^^%# ~ the slower ~ #%^^^»»...
.~»^%£#@@@ slows down the operation of a circuit @@@#£%^»~.
.....»^^£@ @£^^».....
.....~^£#@ ~ the furnace ~ @#£^~.....
.~»»»»^%#@ exports daemon energy through. some @#%^»»»»~.
...~»^^%## kind of hole ##%^^»~...
......»%£@ @£%»......
.....~»%%# .... .... .... #%%»~.....
....~^££@@ @@££^~....
...~~~»%## ##%»~~~...
..~»»^%#@@ not covered: water circuits (see my @@#%^»»~..
.~»^%£#@@# post on submerging a magic spell in #@@#£%^»~.
...~~»»^£# water for details about how to #£^»»~~...
.....~»%%# implement them) #%%»~.....
.~»^%£#@## ##@#£%^»~.
.....~^£## ##£^~.....
.~»^%£#@@@ @@@#£%^»~.
.~»^%£##@@ @@##£%^»~.
.~»^%£#@@# #@@#£%^»~.