,,~^^^^^%£ £%^^^^^~,,
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,,~^%£££## ##£££%^~,,
,,,,,,~%%£ , , , £%%~,,,,,,
,,~^^%£££# , , , , , , #£££%^^~,,
,,,,^^%£££ , , , , , , , , £££%^^,,,,
,,~^%£££££ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ £££££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ##£££%^~,,
,,,,~%££££ ££££%~,,,,
,,,,,,~~%£ just off the coast to the baltic sea £%~~,,,,,,
,,,,,~%%££ there's a freshwater pond, secluded ££%%~,,,,,
,,~^%££### among ashen and juniper. a cleft in the ###££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## limestone bedrock, sharp-cut from the ##£££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## surrounding plains, a ninety degree ##£££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## drop down, down, to the midnight-black ##£££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## water. ##£££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## ##£££%^~,,
,,,,~~%%£# ~~~~%%%%%%%%~~~~ #£%%~~,,,,
,,~^%£££££ ~~%% %%~~ £££££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## ~~~~~%% fairies live here. %%~~~~~ ##£££%^~,,
,,,,,~^^%£ ~~%% %%~~ £%^^~,,,,,
,,,,~~^£££ ~~~~%%%%%%%%~~~~ £££^~~,,,,
,,,,,^£££# #£££^,,,,,
,,~^%££### they speak to the sloane, caress it, ###££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## urge it to grow thicker, tangled, with ##£££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## longer and sharper thorns. they tell it ##£££%^~,,
,,,,,,^%££ to stay just below the grass, so that ££%^,,,,,,
,,~^%£££## the animals what come to drink the ##£££%^~,,
,,,,,~%£££ water cannot see it before it draws £££%~,,,,,
,,,,~~^%££ their blood. closer to the pond, the ££%^~~,,,,
,,,,,~%%££ sloane can grow taller, being able to ££%%~,,,,,
,,~^%£££## hide also in the juniper. ##£££%^~,,
,,,~^^^%£# #£%^^^~,,,
,,~^%%££££ the fairies will beckon the animals to ££££%%^~,,
,,,,~~^%££ push forward, tell them that they're ££%^~~,,,,
,,~^%£££££ almost at the water, that they may £££££%^~,,
,,~^^^^££# drink soon. and they will tug on the #££^^^^~,,
,,~^%££### sloane to make sure that the thorns cut ###££%^~,,
,,~^%£££££ deep. when they finally find the path £££££%^~,,
,,,,,~^£££ down between the rocks, away from the £££^~,,,,,
,,~^%£££££ bushwork and into the cleft, they are £££££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## bleeding from a thousand wounds. as ##£££%^~,,
,,~^%££££# they drink from the dark water, it is #££££%^~,,
,,~^%££### in turn drinking the animals blood. ###££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## ##£££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## the circle is complete, the contract ##£££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## carried out; the animal is abandoned to ##£££%^~,,
,,,,,,,~%£ find its own way back. the bushes roots £%~,,,,,,,
,,~^%£££## drink the nutrutious water. the fairies ##£££%^~,,
,,~^%££££# dance in the sunbeams. #££££%^~,,
,,~^%%%££# #££%%%^~,,
,,~^%£££## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ##£££%^~,,
,,~^%£££## ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ##£££%^~,,
,,~^%%££££ , , , , , , , , ££££%%^~,,
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