¶#@#**/»~¨ ¨~»/**#@#¶
¶%$†\-,,¨. .¨,,-\†$%¶
##¶§%§:=-, ,-=:§%§¶##
@§@§:,.¨,. .,¨.,:§@§@
@#§*^/«.,, ,,.«/^*§#@
@@§£&§^«-, = # = # ,-«^§&£§@@
##£¤¤*\~~¨ ¨#¨ ~-~-~-«~«-«»~»-~~-«~ ,#. ¨~~\*¤¤£##
##¶#¤†:~,, #¨ the secret meaning # ,,~:†¤#¶##
##@#§^\=-¨ .#, of places -.#, ¨-=\^§#@##
§£$;.,,,,, .# = ~»»~-»=~==~»=»~«~~=~ ¨# = ,,,,,.;$£§
#@@@$§;~,, #¨ .#. ¨ ,,~;§$@@@#
@§^~^..,., . . ¨ . ¨ ~ *@£%~. ,, % * ## ,.,..^~^§@
#%»=¨.¨,¨. # # ###& ¤¶#@#@#####¨¨ .¨,¨.¨=»%#
###¤£†*«,, ¨ , ¨ ¨¨ , ^†£&% ~ * * § ,,«*†£¤###
#§%=%:~»,. ¨¨ - = ~ ~ .,»~:%=%§#
¤§:/:/~~-¨ ¨ sell time to find me. magnetic ¨-~~/:/:§¤
#&%=-.,.,. things last longer. the physical .,.,.-=%
###§@%^-:. manifestation of [???] objects stored .:-^%@§###
§§£*=*~.~. in ether. stored... aged, like whiskey. .~.~*=*£§§
@$^-«,.,¨, » = - = * - =' ,¨,.,«-^$@
##@&%§^»,. there's a great [???]mark around where .,»^§%&@##
@%\*=*~~¨, [is] and [???] ,¨~~*=*\%@
#£§£*%^»,, i see ten thousand tribes from here, ,,»^%*£§£#
&£#^%=:,¨. and kind [???] .¨,:=%^#£&
##@£#%\«:. if i told about pylons etc .:«\%#£@##
###&£^†~~¨ ~ & ¨~~†^£##
#&&%*^:=-¨ » « ¨ , ,, ,¨. ¨ ,.,.¨.,,.,. . ¨-=:^*%&
#*%*=~,¨,¨ grimes, like in mistborn..¨ :, ,.,¨ ¨,¨,~=*%*#
#@@§*†^=:. = - ~ ,..., ~ ~. . ~ .:=^†*§@@#
#@¶¤£^\=~. ~ .~=\^£¤¶@#
@¤&;»:¨¨,¨ bloody-minded vore-willing ¨,¨¨:»;&¤@
##@£&%^~:¨ ~¤~ filth-willing spring-wolf , ¨:~^%&£@##
¶#£=-,,.., - (plants who smell like food?) - ,..,,-=£#¶
###&%†^«~. he roams... everything is like a garden. .~«^†%##
&*:\~,.¨,¨ . ~ a "garden" ¨,¨.,~\:*&
#@#£$=\~.¨ ~,:, : , , . * ¨.~\=$£#@#
##¤#%^:=,. to expand on the concept of normalcy: § .,=:^%#¤##
¤£&*%«»¨.. «~-~«~«~«===»«-«-~†=** the flesh is † ..¨»«%*&£¤
@£/«..¨,¨, the centerpiece - it filters your % ,¨,¨..«/£@
#@@#%*\=.¨ experience, soaks up impressions like a§ ¨.=\*%#@@#
##¶&£§:=,. sponge [???] a [???] a sponge that .,=:§£&¶##
##@&%^;~., colours its burden. it empties itself in ,.~;^%&@##
#§§=^=~~,, your brain. ¨ , ,,~~=^=§§#
##£#£$*«~¨ the brain is also a filter, . ¨~«*$£#£##
##@£**\»^¨ a distorter, a guardian, a sleuth, ¨^»\**£@##
#§$%^*;-~. ,a full on [???] malicious [???] [???] .~-;*^%$§#
@@§$£=†»,¨ meter man, [???] , ¨,»†=£$§@@
##£&*§/-^. , ~ . .^-/§*&£##
###¶£$**~~ ~ mess with the body and [???] the . ~~**$£¶###
#§$^*-,.¨. falsely colored impressions are .¨.,-*^$§#
#@§§%»,¨¨¨ interpreted . ¨¨¨,»%§§@#
##@¤£=\=.. - differently.. they'll travel ..=\=£¤@##
##@@£$†~:, another road... another reality is built ,:~†$£@@##
@£^.~¨¨¨,. ¨ - ¨ .,¨¨¨~.^£@
##@¤¤^\«~. mess with the brain as well... . .~«\^¤¤@##
##¶§%§^~:, all properties are lost.«. everything is ,:~^§%§¶##
#%~.,,,.¨¨ made of sand. [???] four dimensional ¨¨.,,,.~%#
#@£#£^^»:. sculpture. - = ¨, , « .:»^^£#£@#
###&*$*~,, . ¨ ^ * % ¨ %, .%,*¨*., ¨, , ,,~*$*##
¤$$%†«~~.¨ « , ¨ . ^ -,- ¨.~~«†%$$¤
#@@¤&%†«~. the wolf is thus like / * & .~«†%&¤@@#
#¤@&$^^=,. † » a fluid . .,=^^$&@¤#
##@¶#@:~.. moss, forest, "the wild", shadows, the ..~:@#¶@##
@*/;^^:«,. darkness at the side of the road, .,«:^^;/*@
###@@†:~.¨ secret places in general. a secret ¨ ¨.~:†@@###
@#*»,¨¨¨,. spectrum of animals. . .,¨¨¨,»*#@
£$§*§†/~~. ¨ . .~~/†§*§$£
@#£&%^†~:. ¨ ¨ ¨ . .:~†^%&£#@
@^^/†/-,,, ¨. . ¨ ,. * $ . . ,,,-/†/^^@
###&%=*»~, . . ,%$; % †=% * ^ ^ ^ \ ,~»*=%##
¤§=†=:.,., ~ * * * ~ * « ~ ,.,.:=†=§¤
##¶¤&^=»^. « » ~ » « ~ .^»=^&¤¶##
###£&=;=^. » ~ = .^=;=&£###
##^††-:,¨¨ eight bars of information, looping « ¨¨,:-††^##
@¤#*@^†-~, among the sounds » ,~-†^@*#¤@
§£†,¨.,¨., » ¨ ,.¨,.¨,†£§
##¤&%*/~:¨ of some unmarked treasure... often as a ¨:~/*%&¤##
##¶§*$/»-. fractalesque rabbit hole - unmapped .-»/$*§¶##
#£§/\...,¨ - territory condensed to a point. ¨,...\/§£#
##@##$§=,¨ ~ ~ ¨,=§$##@##
##¶¤£*;~^¨ something escaped [???] possibly looming ¨^~;*£¤¶##
#¤¤*/^.¨.. at the center of the map ..¨.^/*¤¤#
@¤^.~.¨,¨. .¨,¨.~.^¤@
#££%^%†~,, addicted to the sylveon feelers. i am ,,~†%^%££#
##@¤*=^~~. going to throw all of my things out. i .~~^=*¤@##
#¶§%-,.¨., am going to destroy all my shit ,.¨.,-%§¶#
##¶&$%\~:, ^ ,:~\%$&¶##
###&*§/~-¨ ¨-~/§*##
###@&%:-:¨ i was in the lake and the water wass ¨:-:%&@###
@¶#¤&§^=., still. i was in the lake and bent myself ,.=^§&¤#¶@
#¤£#£=*«,. into an arc over the water below me and .,«*=£#£¤#
#£=--»»,., watched the horizon under me, with my ,.,»»--=£#
##@&$§;-~, ¨ breathing adjusted ,~-;§$&@##
#¤&&%*:»-, - : * ,-»:*%&&¤#
#&§^^=/~-¨ - ~ » ¨-~/=^^§
####¤**-^¨ junehop two secret bug trax , ¨^-**¤####
###@&†:»:¨ tapedrop ¨:»:†&@###
§£¤%†~=,¨¨ . . softcore anime dub , ¨¨,=~†%¤£§
#§%†\=«,.¨ ¨.,«=\†%§#
@@@$%*\»^, vocal sleaze twenty twentyone : ,^»\*%$@@@
@=-,.,.¨¨¨ * = , ¨ ¨¨¨.,.,-=@
##¶§§%*-^¨ ¨^-*%§§¶##
##@£$*^«:, qr-horo (wolf girl but expressed ,:«^*$£@##
@£§%*$/-.. as a two dimensional bar code) ..-/$*%§£@
###££$*-,. * - \ .,-*$££###
@#@£*$*=,. = \ .,=*$*£@#@
###@£$;=:, ^ ,:=;$£@###
@%^%††==^. * . .^==††%^%@
¤#$§^=^¨¨. .¨¨^=^§$#¤
#¶*@=;,¨.¨ - ¨.¨,;=@*¶#
@#£¤§*†=,. .,=†*§¤£#@
#££§^-=»., , ,.»=-^§££#
###££§^=~. .~=^§££###
##@£§$^=.¨ ¨.=^$§£@##
@¤%;«»..¨¨ ¨¨..»«;%¤@
###§%^/~,. .,~/^%§###
####§*:»:, ,:»:*§####
¤§§$*††«-¨ ¨-«††*$§§¤