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,,,&&&&&&, ,,&&&,,&&,
,,,&,,,,,& #,,,,,,,,,,,# &,&,,&,&,&
&,,&&,,,,& ,&&&,&&&&&
,&,&,&,,,& morning quiet ,&,,&&,,,,
,&&&&&&,,& ,&&,&,&,,,
,&,,,,,&,& #,,,,,,,,,,,# ,&,&&&&&,,
,&&,,,,&&& ,&&&,,,,&,
,&,&,,,&,, i sit in my cubicle in the work mill &&,,&,,,&&
&&&&&,,&&, and feel somewhat at peace - i've &,&,&&,,&,
&,,,,&,&,& entered a bright anomaly. morning ,&&&&,&,&&
,&,,,&&&&& liminality. ,&,,,&&&&,
,&&,,&,,,, &&&,,&,,,&
&&,&,&&,,, #,# ,,,&,&&,,&
,,&&&&,&,, &,,&&&,&,&
&,&,,,&&&, no one is here. there's dust in the &&,&,,&&&&
,&&&,,&,,& air. a strong light shines through the ,,&&&,&,,,
,&,,&,&&,& windows, and turns the office into &,&,,&&&,,
,&&,&&&,&& something new. i pretend it's the sun. ,&&&,&,,&,
,&,&&,,&&, ,&,,&&&,&&
&&&&,&,&,& i speak with the plants in my head. ,&&,&,,&&,
&,,,&&&&&& they are getting too much water, or the &&,&&&,&,&
,&,,&,,,,, water they get is of dubious quality. &,&&,,&&&&
&&&,&&,,,, ,&&,&,&,,,
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&&,&,&&&,, &&&&,,,,&,
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