##£§@%†=,¨ ¨,=†%@§£##
#£§§@%†=,¨ ¨,=†%@§§£#
##£§@%†=,¨ ¨,=†%@§£##
##£§@%†=,¨ ¨,=†%@§£##
##£§@%†=,¨ ¨,=†%@§£##
££@@†==¨¨¨ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ¨¨¨==†@@££
£§§@†,¨¨¨¨ , Flesh! , ¨¨¨¨,†@§§£
##£§@%†=,¨ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ¨,=†%@§£##
##£§@%†=,¨ ¨,=†%@§£##
###§@%†=,¨ Flesh Comes In Many Different Forms ¨,=†%@§###
£§§%†,,¨¨¨ = The Blood Colonies From When Ur Born ¨¨¨,,†%§§£
£§§%†=,¨¨¨ = Sick Flesh (If U Got Bacteria) ¨¨¨,=†%§§£
##£§@%†=,¨ = Glow Slime (Drug Corruption) ¨,=†%@§£##
#£@†=¨¨¨¨¨ = Venison (For Eating) ¨¨¨¨¨=†@£#
§@†††=¨¨¨¨ = Stone ¨¨¨¨=†††@§
##£§@%†=,¨ = Meat (Eaten By Others) ¨,=†%@§£##
###§@%†=,¨ = Plant Matter (Dryads And Such) ¨,=†%@§###
##£§@%†=,¨ ¨,=†%@§£##
##£§@%†=,¨ We Desire Almost All Of These Forms ¨,=†%@§£##
##£§@%†=,¨ "The Grass Is Greener" But Some Are ¨,=†%@§£##
##£§@%†=,¨ More Valuable (Esp. Stone Variants ¨,=†%@§£##
##£§@%†=,¨ (Minerals, Gems)) ¨,=†%@§£##
#§§%†,¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨,†%§§#
##£§@%†=,¨ Ooooh! ¨,=†%@§£##
#£§§@%†=,¨ ¨,=†%@§§£#
##£§@%†=,¨ ((My Memory Fades At This Point)) ¨,=†%@§£##
##£§@%†=,¨ ¨,=†%@§£##
##£§@%†=,¨ ¨,=†%@§£##
##£§@%†=,¨ ¨,=†%@§£##
£@%%%=,,,¨ ¨,,,=%%%@£
§%%%=¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨=%%%§