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¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤.. ******** .........¤
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤..¤ *** *** .¤¤¤¤¤¤¤..
.¤¤¤¤¤.... ** dream recall ** ..¤¤¤¤¤...
..¤¤¤..¤¤. * or * ¤..¤¤¤..¤¤
...¤...... * how to remember * ....¤.....
¤¤...¤¤¤¤¤ ** your dreams ** ¤¤¤...¤¤¤¤
¤..¤..¤¤¤¤ *** *** ¤¤..¤..¤¤¤
.......¤¤. ******** ........¤¤
.£&£##.,., ¤£§£#¤§,¨,
¨,##&¨.§§, £#&£#§¨¨£&
.,¨¤¨..¨,¨ i go in the market and grab as many #§¤@@.¨¨,.
¤@,¨.&@§§, tomato twigs as i can, some days there #@¤#,¨@#@¤
§¨¨£¨,¤@¨, are plenty, some days they have removed #££¨,.,¤#&
,.,¨,,¨¨,¨ them beforehand. but if there's any, i ,&¨,.,@¤
.¤£&¤¤#£@§ steal them away into my bag. ¨¨¨,,,,,.,
¨,#£§¤&@¤¤ ,§§£@@§#
...§£¤£@#¤ at home i place them above my bed, on a ..¤@&@§#¤,
§&¨,¤¤&£§¨ shelf i keep behind my pillow. their ¨¨.£&££@.¨
¨¨,,,&@@,, scent will reach my nostrils. &&.,§@¤..,
@£#£,¨#,., ..¨.,£¨.§@
§##..,,.§@ their shape; like wispy creatures. some @¤§@¨,,,.@
§§¨.¤&&.,# look like large spiders, others like &¤#,,§£&.¨
,¨¨¨¨@,,., small men. weird sylvan tentacle people. @#..¨¨#.¨,
¤§£#¨.¨¤¤. £¨¨¤§,¨¨#&
#§£¨.§,.., i find this helps. .,¨,,.§..¤
&@,¨...&¤, ¨§£@£.¨.¨¨
,,,§#£.¨.¨ ¨,#§,¨£¤@.
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