.££..££..£ £.£££.£...
£.£.£.£.£. ££..£££...
£££££££££. .£.£..£..£
........£. ££££.££.£.
.......££. ...££.£££.
......£.£. . . . . . . . . ..£.££..£.
.....£££££ . @@**@@ . . @@**@@ . .£££.£.££.
....£..... . @@--££--@@ . the . @@--££--@@ . £..££££.£.
...££....£ *--££##££--* @ @ *--££##££--* £.£...£££.
..£.£...£. . @@--££--@@ .@@ shower @@. @@--££--@@ . £££..£..£.
.££££..£££ @. @@**@@ .@@ @@. @@**@@ .@ ..£.££.££.
£...£.£... # . . . . . . . . # .£££.££.£.
£..££££... @ deep below @ £..££.££££
£.£...£..£ ground level, several elevators down, £.£.££....
£££..££.££ in the dark water where the surface ££££.£...£
..£.£.££.£ light doesn't reach, and warmth comes ...£££..£.
.£££££.££. mostly from below - here is the shower. ..£..£.££.
£....££.££ .££.£££.£.
£...£.££.. it is dark. you strip, and it's cold. £.££..££££
£..£££.£.. your feet feel the cold stone floor, ££.£.£....
£.£..£££.£ your hands find the rubber handles to .£££££...£
£££.£..£££ guide you into the cabin. £....£..£.
..£££.£..£ £...££.£££
.£..£££.£. and then, the hot water, the £..£.££..£
££.£..££££ underground rain. drenching you, £.£££.£.££
.£££.£...£ lathering you. infused with oils and ££..££££..
£..£££..££ scents. and then, also from above, the .£.£...£..
£.£..£.£.. shower creatures. first their black ££££..££.£
£££.££££.. velvet arms, touching, and then entire ...£.£.££.
..££...£.. bodies. chests and snouts. ..£££££.££
.£.£..££.£ .£....££.£
££££.£.£££ the creatures are meant to comfort you, ££...£.£££
...££££..£ keep you entranced, and keep you from .£..£££...
..£...£.££ leaving the cabin prematurely. this ££.£..£...
.££..£££.. whole ordeal works best if you are not .£££.££...
£.£.£..£.. transformed too early, and are instead £..££.£...
£££££.££.. allowed to enjoy the shower for a while. £.£.£££..£
....££.£.£ ££££..£.£.
...£.££££. you are steamed, caressed, cleaned, ...£.££££.
..£££...££ modified, liquified; dissolved and ..£££...£.
.£..£..£.£ drained... and then brought back, .£..£..££.
££.££.£££. slowly, waking as the water dries off ££.££.£.£.
.££.££..££ of you. cabin open to the cold air .££.££££££
£.££.£.£.. tickling your fresh-born mind. creature £.££.....£
££.£££££.. hands gone, you step out. ££.£....£.
.££....£.. .£££...£££
£.£...££.£ later, elevator back up. new body. £..£..£..£
£££..£.£££ £.££.££.£.
..£.£££... ££.££.££££
.£££..£..£ .££.££...£
£..£.££.£. £.££.£..££
£.£££.££££ ££.£££.£..