#@@@§†;»^, ,^»;†§@@@#
@@§†»,,,,, ,,,,,»†§@@
@@†»,,,,,, ,,,,,,»†@@
@§;;;»^^,, ,,^^»;;;§@
#@@@§†;»^, ,^»;†§@@@#
@@@†»^,,,, ,^,,,,,,§^,, ,,,^»,^^^, ,,,,,,,^^^§,†^ ,,,,^»†@@@
#@@@§†;»^, , Patches Taped To Skin. Substrate ,^,,, ,^»;†§@@@#
@@@@§†;»^, ,,^^ Probes Injected @, ,,^»^, ,^,,,,,, ,^»;†§@@@@
@@@@§†;»^, ,,,,,,, Impending Physical Erasure. , ,, ,^»;†§@@@@
@†»^^,,,,, ^, ,,,, ,^»†^,,^,,^»@, ,^§^», ,,,,,, ,,,,,^^»†@
##@@§†;»^, §, Neurons ,,,, Flare , ,§,^, Spark , ,^»;†§@@##
@†»^^,,,,, ^, ,,, ,, ,,@,, , ,,,^,»^,^^,, ,, ,,,,,^^»†@
@§;^,,,,,, ,,, , ,,, ,,,,,,,,^,@,,»^^, , ,,,,,,^;§@
@@§;^^,,,, ^, ,,,,,,^@^,,^,,^,,^^^, ,^ ,,,,^^;§@@
#@@@§†;»^, ,, ,,, ,^,,,^^^, ,^†»@,,^»^^,, , ,^»;†§@@@#
#@@@§†;»^, ,,,,,, ,,,,^^,†^^,,^§^ ,,§§@^^^@^,, ,^»;†§@@@#
#@@@§†;»^, ^ Mind Textures, Blooming ,^»;†§@@@#
#@@@§†;»^, Reflections.,, ,^»;†§@@@#
#@@@§†;»^, ^@^^,,;^,^»^,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,†^,;;, ,^, ,^»;†§@@@#
@§†;^,,,,, ;», Goodbyes ,^^^,, ,, Radiating , ,,,,,^;†§@
#@@@§†;»^, ,^@», ,^»;†§@@@#
@@§§;»,,,, ,,,^,,^,,,,,,,,,, ,^@^,, ,^^^ , Hope. ,,,,»;§§@@
##@@§†;»^, , ,^»;†§@@##
#@@@§†;»^, ,,^@^,,,^,^^,,,^^,,,,,, ,,»§^,,,,,,,, , ,^»;†§@@@#
##@@§†;»^, †^ Interface Whining ,,,, Glowing Hot,,, ,^»;†§@@##
#@@@§†;»^, »^,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,»,,, ,,,,,,,,^§,,^ ,^»;†§@@@#
#@@@§†;»^, ,, Eroding As It ,,§^^, Reads »,,,^,,,,» ,^»;†§@@@#
#@@@§†;»^, ,, ,, ,^@,,, ,^@^@^^,^,, ,,,,,,^»^,,,, ,^»;†§@@@#
#@@@§†;»^, ,,^^, Seared Flesh.^,,,^;,,,,@^,,,^,, ,, ,^»;†§@@@#
@§§†»,,,,, ,Pores Incinerated To Create @^,,;,»,, , ,,,,,»†§§@
@§†;;^,,,, @,,,^»»,^^^^, ,,,,,,;,, ,^ Polygons, ,,,,^;;†§@
@@@@§†;»^, ,,@^,,,,,,,,, ,,,^^^^^, ,,,»»^,,»,, ,^»;†§@@@@
@§†»»»,,,, ,^ Brain Tissue Burns Good, ,,^, ,^,,, ,,,,»»»†§@
##@@§†;»^, ^^@»^,,, ,, Neurons Screaming, ^ ,,,,, ,^»;†§@@##
#@@@§†;»^, ^;^;§,^, ,,,,,»^^,^»,,», ,,^;,,,,,,,,, ,^»;†§@@@#
@@§;^,,,,, ^^§^ Sending Sparks Over The Wire ,,,,,^ ,,,,,^;§@@
@@@@§†;»^, ,^^,,,, ,,^^,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,»^,,; ,^»;†§@@@@
#@@@§†;»^, ,,,,, And There ,^,,^»^@^,,,§,,^,^,†^,,^ ,^»;†§@@@#
@††»,,,,,, , ,,^^,,,^^,,, ,^@»,,»^^, ,,^,,;,^^,,, , ,,,,,,»††@
@§;»,,,,,, ,,;,,,,,,,,^,, ,,, ,»,,,,,»^,,,,^;,,, ,,,,,,»;§@
#@@@§†;»^, ,,, ,,,^^^^^,, ,,^,, You Are ,†,,,»,^, ,^»;†§@@@#
@§†»»»,,,, , ,,^^,,,^^,,, ,^@»,,»^^, ,,^,,;,^^,,, , ,,,,»»»†§@
#@@@§†;»^, ######## # Snout Customization # ####### ,^»;†§@@@#
@@§†»,,,,, # # ,,,,,»†§@@
@@@@§†;»^, # Fur Shine Percentage # ,^»;†§@@@@
@§†»^,,,,, # Teeth Size, Sharpness # ,,,,,^»†§@
@@@@§†;»^, # Lip Density Modifier # ,^»;†§@@@@
#@@@§†;»^, # Taste Generators # ,^»;†§@@@#
#@@@§†;»^, # (Mint, Green Apple, Blood, Sweat) # ,^»;†§@@@#
@@††»,,,,, @ †††† @ ,,,,,»††@@
##@@@†;»^, @ †††† § ,^»;†@@@##
@@††;;;»^, † †††† ; ,^»;;;††@@
@@§†;»»,,, » , ††††,, , ^ ,,,»»;†§@@
@@@@§†;»^, , ,,, ,How Can I Compete? ,^»;†§@@@@
##@@§†;»^, , , ,, ,,,,,,, ,,,, †† ,,,,, ,^»;†§@@##
@@§†»»^,,, ,,, ,, ,,,,,, ,,^, ††,, ,,,,,, , ,,,^»»†§@@
@@§§;^^,,, , ,, ,,, ,,, ,,,††, ,,, ,, , ,,,^^;§§@@
@@§;;;^,,, ,,, ,^,, ,,, †† ,,, ,,, ,,,^;;;§@@
@@@†;»^^,, »^,,,,,,^,, †† ,, ,, ,,^^»;†@@@
##@@§†;»^, ,,,,,^,,,, ,,, †† ,,,,, ,^»;†§@@##
##@@§†;»^, , ,,,^,, ,^, ††,, , ,, ,^»;†§@@##
@@@@§†;»^, ,,,,,,,», ,†† ,^, ,, ,^ ,^»;†§@@@@
@@§;;;;»^, ,,,,,»,»,^ ,,†† ,,, , ,^»;;;;§@@
@@@@§†;»^, ,,,,,»,,,»,††, ,,,,,, , ,^»;†§@@@@
@@@†††;»^, ,,», ,,,,††^^,,, ,, ,, , ,^»;†††@@@
#@@@§†;»^, ,I Dont Want To Compete., , ,^»;†§@@@#
@§;;»^,,,, ,,,»,,^^,†† , ,,,, , , ,,,,^»;;§@
@§†»^,,,,, ,,^^, , † , ,,,,,^»†§@
@@@@§†;»^, ,,,^^ , ††, ,^»;†§@@@@
@§§†††;»^, ,^,, , , † ,^»;†††§§@
@@†;»»^,,, ,,, ,, †† ,,,^»»;†@@
#@@@§†;»^, ,,, , ,†, ,^»;†§@@@#
@§;^^,,,,, , † ,,,,,^^;§@
@§†;;»»»^, , , ,, †† ,^»»»;;†§@
@§§§†»»,,, , ,, , † ,,,»»†§§§@
@@§§;^,,,, , , †† ,,,,^;§§@@
@@@§§†;»^, ^, † ,^»;†§§@@@
@@@@§†;»^, †† , ,^»;†§@@@@
#@@@§†;»^, † ,^»;†§@@@#
@@§;^,,,,, , I Want To Team Up. § ,,,,,^;§@@
#@@@§†;»^, » ,^»;†§@@@#
#@@@§†;»^, § ,^»;†§@@@#
@@@@§†;»^, ,, , » § ,^»;†§@@@@
##@@§†;»^, , » » ,^»;†§@@##
##@@@§†;»^ , , » , ^»;†§@@@##
#@@@§†;»^, , ,^»;†§@@@#
#@@@§†;»^, , ,^»;†§@@@#
@@§††»,,,, ,,,,»††§@@
@@@@§†;»^, ,^»;†§@@@@
#@@@§†;»^, ,^»;†§@@@#
@@††;;^^,, ,,^^;;††@@
#@@@§†;»^, ,^»;†§@@@#