@,@,@,@@,, ,,@@,@,@@@
,@@@@@@,@, ,,@,@@@@,,
,@,,,,,@@@ ,,@@@,,,@,
,@@,,,,@,, @,@,,@,,@@
@@,@,,,@@, ,@@@,@@,@,
@,@@@,,@,@ they built the final nightclub on top ,@,,@@,@@@
,@@,,@,@@@ of an undocumented research site. each @@@,@,@@,,
,@,@,@@@,, floor closer to the collapsed warp ,,,@@@@,@,
,@@@@@,,@, prototype. did they know at the start? @,,@,,,@@@
@@,,,,@,@@ classified maps had gone missing some @@,@@,,@,,
@,@,,,@@@, years before. ,,@@,@,@@,
@@@@,,@,,@ ,,@,@@@@,@
,,,,@,@@,@ the deeper you descend, the stranger ,,@@@,,,@@
@,,,@@@,@@ the environment - first more @,@,,@,,@,
@@,,@,,@@, enthralling and intrusive, then seedy ,@@@,@@,@@
,,@,@@,@,@ and predatory, but pierce deeper and ,@,,@@,@@,
,,@@@,@@@@ there will be more peculiar effects. ,@@,@,@@,@
@,@,,@@,,, your sense of space will seem to @@,@@@@,@@
,@@@,@,@,, distort (it's actually the spacetime @,@@,,,@@,
,@,,@@@@@, itself that is becoming fluid), then @@@,@,,@,@
@@@,@,,,,@ your body, and finally your sense of ,,,@@@,@@@
,,,@@@,,,@ self. ,,,@,,@@,,
,,,@,,@,,@ ,,,@@,@,@,
,,,@@,@@,@ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### ### ,,,@,@@@@@
@,,@,@@,@@ ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##### ### @,,@@@,,,,
@@,@@@,@@, ### ### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ,@,@,,@,,,
@,@@,,@@,@ #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### @@@@@,@@,,
@@@,@,@,@@ ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ,,,,,@@,@,
@,,@@@@@@, ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### @,,,,@,@@@
,@,@,,,,,@ ###### ###### ######## ######## ,@,,,@@@,,
,@@@@,,,,@ ######## ######## ######## ######## @@@,,@,,@,
,@,,,@,,,@ ######## ######## ######## ######## ,,,@,@@,@@
@@@,,@@,,@ ######## ######## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,,,@@@,@@,
@,,@,@,@,@ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ,,,@,,@@,@
,@,@@@@@@@ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, @,,@@,@,@@
@@@@,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,@,@,@@@@,
@,,,@,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,@@@@@,,,@
,@,,@@,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,@,,,,@,,@
@@@,@,@,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, @@@,,,@@,@
,,,@@@@@,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, @,,@,,@,@@
@,,@,,,,@, ~, ~, ~, ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ @@,@@,@@@,
@@,@@,,,@@ ~~ ~~ ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~* ~* ~* @,@@,@@,,@
,,@@,@,,@, ~* ~$ ~$ ~¤ ~@ ~@ ~# ~# -, -~ -- -* -$ @@@,@@,@,@
@,@,@@@,@@ -¤ -@ -@ -# -# *, *~ *- ** *$ *¤ *@ *@ @,,@@,@@@@
,@@@@,,@@, *# *# $, $~ $- $* $$ $¤ $@ $@ $# $# ¤, ,@,@,@@,,,
,@,,,@,@,@ ¤~ ¤- ¤* ¤$ ¤¤ ¤@ ¤@ ¤# ¤# @, @~ @- @* ,@@@@@,@,,
,@@,,@@@@@ @$ @¤ @@ @@ @# @# @, @~ @- @* @$ @¤ @@ @@,,,,@@@,
,@,@,@,,,, @@ @# @# #, #~ #- #* #$ #¤ #@ #@ ## ## @,@,,,@,,@
@@@@@@@,,, #, #~ #- #* #$ #¤ #@ #@ @@@@,,@@,@
,,,,,,,@,, the ceiling is covered in actual stars. ,,,,@,@,@@
@,,,,,,@@, eyes above ,,,,@@@@@,
@@,,,,,@,@ fading into silver flakes as they fall ,,,,@,,,,@
,,@,,,,@@@ bubbles in drinks ,,,,@@,,,@
@,@@,,,@,, @,,,@,@,,@
,@@,@,,@@, drinks with a secret ingredient, that ,@,,@@@@,@
@@,@@@,@,@ makes you see the stars even when you @@@,@,,,@@
,,@@,,@@@@ close your eyes. ,,,@@@,,@,
,,@,@,@,,, ,,,@,,@,@@
@,@@@@@@,, at these deeper levels it can be hard ,,,@@,@@@,
@@@,,,,,@, to remember who and where you are @,,@,@@,,@
,,,@,,,,@@ (were). normal staff is as transformed ,@,@@@,@,@
@,,@@,,,@, as guests. instead, care and protection ,@@@,,@@@@
,@,@,@,,@@ are offered by (overly flirty) @@,,@,@,,,
,@@@@@@,@, pool toys and other such automatons. ,,@,@@@@,,
,@,,,,,@@@ ,,@@@,,,@,
,@@,,,,@,, if you stay above absolute madness, @,@,,@,,@@
@@,@,,,@@, there is some sort of control to be ,@@@,@@,@,
@,@@@,,@,@ had. you could slip into your ideal dog ,@,,@@,@@@
,@@,,@,@@@ body there, explore that. you could @@@,@,@@,,
,@,@,@@@,, drink poisonous ambrosia and not be ,,,@@@@,@,
,@@@@@,,@, burned away. you could explore @,,@,,,@@@
@@,,,,@,@@ territories just as mapless as those @@,@@,,@,,
@,@,,,@@@, closer to the core, but with a chance ,,@@,@,@@,
@@@@,,@,,@ of finding your way back. ,,@,@@@@,@
,,,,@,@@,@ ,,@@@,,,@@
@,,,@@@,@@ ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# @,@,,@,,@,
@@,,@,,@@, ~~ the honey is a trap and there's a ~~ ,@@@,@@,@@
,,@,@@,@,@ -- sting, a sting, a sting. -- ,@,,@@,@@,
,,@@@,@@@@ *, it's in your eyes and it's in your ,* ,@@,@,@@,@
@,@,,@@,,, $~ mouth and your hands, their hands ~$ @@,@@@@,@@
,@@@,@,@,, ¤- it's in your heart and in your -¤ @,@@,,,@@,
,@,,@@@@@, @* mind and the minds of those around *@ @@@,@,,@,@
@@@,@,,,,@ @$ you, their hearts, their bodies. $@ ,,,@@@,@@@
,,,@@@,,,@ #¤ #¤ #¤ #¤ #¤ #¤ #¤ #¤ #¤ #¤ #¤ ,,,@,,@@,,
,,,@,,@,,@ and if you're lucky, you'll never get ,,,@@,@,@,
,,,@@,@@,@ out. don't bite the other guests. ,,,@,@@@@@
@,,@,@@,@@ (or do) @,,@@@,,,,
@@,@@@,@@, ,@,@,,@,,,
@,@@,,@@,@ the deeper the floor goes, the more @@@@@,@@,,
@@@,@,@,@@ expensive the drinks. this is not ,,,,,@@,@,
@,,@@@@@@, coincidental. the more expensive the @,,,,@,@@@
,@,@,,,,,@ drinks, the more likely it is that ,@,,,@@@,,
,@@@@,,,,@ someone will buy them for you. @@@,,@,,@,
,@,,,@,,,@ this is also not coincidental. if ,,,@,@@,@@
@@@,,@@,,@ someone buys you a drink, they are very ,,,@@@,@@,
@,,@,@,@,@ likely to take care of your needs in ,,,@,,@@,@
,@,@@@@@@@ other ways as well. @,,@@,@,@@
@@@@,,,,,, ,@,@,@@@@,
@,,,@,,,,, ,@@@@@,,,@
,@,,@@,,,, ,@,,,,@,,@
@@@,@,@,,, @@@,,,@@,@
,,,@@@@@,, @,,@,,@,@@