...£..££.£ ........££
£..££.£.££ £.......£.
££.£.££££. .£......££
..££££...£ .££.....£.
..£...£..£ .£.£....££
£.££..££.£ ###:- -:### £££££...£.
£££.£.£.££ -::####::- -::####::- £....£..££
...££££££. -- -:######:- -- .£...££.£.
...£.....£ --- -- -- --- .££..£.£££
£..££....£ ---- ---- .£.£.£££..
££.£.£...£ --- Street Lights... --- .£££££..£.
£.£££££..£ ---- For Some Reason, ---- .£....£.££
.££....£.£ -- The Street Lights Always Have A -- £££...£££.
.£.£...£££ Particular Pattern. It Starts With A ...£..£..£
£££££..£.. Row Of White Lights, Then It'S Joined £..££.££.£
.....£.££. By A Red Row, Then The Blue Ones, And .£.£.££.££
£....£££.£ So On. And Then, There'S A Second Row, .£££££.££.
££...£..££ Almost Mirroring The First. .£....££.£
..£..££.£. £££...£.££
£.££.£.£££ I'Ve Been Counting How Many Of Each £..£..£££.
£££.££££.. Shape There Is. .£.££.£..£
...££...£. I Think It'S A Kind Of Angel Language. ££££.£££.£
£..£.£..££ Angel Bodies Made Of Light, Running ....££..££
.£.££££.£. Along The Streets Even At Night. £...£.£.£.
.£££...£££ ££..££££££
££..£..£.. ---- ..£.£.....
£.£.££.££. ---- ---- £.££££....
£££££.££.£ --- --- £££...£...
£....££.££ ---- ---- ...£..££..
££...£.££. --- --- ...££.£.£.
£.£..£££.£ ---- ---- £..£.£££££
.£££.£..££ ££.£££....
.£..£££.£. Like They'Re Looking For Something. ..££..£...
.££.£..£££ £.£.£.££..
.£.£££.£.. .££££££.£.
.£££..£££. .£.....£££
££..£.£..£ .££....£..
£.£.££££.£ .£.£...££.