@@¤&%^^«., ,.«^^%&¤@@
¤&&^«.,,,, ,,,,.«^&&¤
##@@&%^«., ,.«^%&@@##
#@@¤&%^«., ,.«^%&¤@@#
¤¤¤%^^.,,, ,,,.^^%¤¤¤
@@@¤&%^«., the last song on side b (and to some ,.«^%&¤@@@
##@@¤&%^., extent the first song on side a) talks ,.^%&¤@@##
@@@¤&%^«., for the whole album, not just their ,.«^%&¤@@@
@&%%%«,,,, side. the last song on side b is ,,,,«%%%&@
##@¤&%^«., probably the most important ,.«^%&¤@##
@@@¤&%^«., opportunity, the most charged slot. ,.«^%&¤@@@
#@@¤&%^«., ,.«^%&¤@@#
##@@¤&%^., ,@#@, ,.^%&¤@@##
#@@¤&%^«., ,.«^%&¤@@#
@@@¤&%^«., the album is a singularity, an anomaly ,.«^%&¤@@@
##@¤&%^«., in spacetime, a creature that knows ,.«^%&¤@##
##@¤&%^«., exactly how beautiful it is. ,.«^%&¤@##
#@@¤&%^«., , ,.«^%&¤@@#
@@@¤&%^«., and the thing is: it sees itself in ,.«^%&¤@@@
#@@¤&%^«., three d. it knows that it's dying. ,.«^%&¤@@#
@@@¤&%^«., ,.«^%&¤@@@
#@@¤&%^«., %%&&%%&&%%&&%%&&%%&¤¤&%%&&%%&&%%&&%%&&%% ,.«^%&¤@@#
@¤¤&^«..,, ,,..«^&¤¤@
#@@¤&%^«., . dolphins and cats . ,.«^%&¤@@#
#@@¤&%^«., bring us ,.«^%&¤@@#
@@&%^«.,,, , flowers and honey , ,,,.«^%&@@
@¤&%«..,,, ,,,..«%&¤@
##@¤&%^«., . dolphins and cats . ,.«^%&¤@##
#@@¤&%^«., bring us ,.«^%&¤@@#
@@¤%%^««., , fairies and bees , ,.««^%%¤@@
@¤&%^«.,,, ,,,.«^%&¤@
@&^^«,,,,, our boat is afloat ,,,,,«^^&@
@@¤¤&%^«., on a surface of lilies ,.«^%&¤¤@@
@&^«,,,,,, . dolphins and cats . ,,,,,,«^&@
@@@¤&%^«., drag us down ,.«^%&¤@@@
#@@¤&%^«., ,«% underneath %«, ,.«^%&¤@@#
@¤¤%%%^«., ,.«^%%%¤¤@
#@@¤&%^«., %%&&%%&&%%&&%%&&%%&¤¤&%%&&%%&&%%&&%%&&%% ,.«^%&¤@@#
@&&^..,,,, ,,,,..^&&@
#@@¤&%^«., side a is foresty, and side b might ,.«^%&¤@@#
¤%«,,,,,,, be lizardy. but the last song is full ,,,,,,,«%¤
@@@¤&%^«., of space. ,.«^%&¤@@@
@¤&%%%^«., ,.«^%%%&¤@
¤%%%«««.., ,..«««%%%¤
@@@¤&%^«., ,.«^%&¤@@@
#@@¤&%^«., ,.«^%&¤@@#
¤¤&^^^«.,, ,,.«^^^&¤¤