£..£..£££. ££.££....£
£.££.£..££ .££.£...£.
££.£££.£.. £.£££..£££
.££..£££.£ ££..£.£...
£.£.£..££. .£.££££...
£££££.£.££ they have told me to mount in the car £££...£..£
....££££.£ and drive it to some town to fix some ..£..££.£.
...£...££. stuff. i drive as good as i can but .££.£.£££.
..££..£.£. it's not helping. i dont have a drivers £.££££..£.
.£.£.££££. license. ££...£.££.
£££££...££ .£..£££.£.
....£..£.. i'm at a dam slash river slash art ££.£..££££
...££.££.£ project, when i suddenly notice i'm .£££.£...£
..£.££.£££ lying flat on my stomach and have to £..£££..££
.£££.££..£ pedal with my hands. fuck! i understand £.£..£.£.£
£..££.£.£. quickly that the only option here is to £££.££££££
£.£.££££££ pull over somewhere and sit up ..££......
££££...... straight, as you're supposed to .£.£.....£
...£.....£ ££££....£.
..££....£. ...£...££.
.£.£...££. ..££..£.£.
££££..£.££ .£.£.££££.
...£.£££.. £££££...££
..£££..£.£ ....£..£.£