£££.£...££ £££..£.£.£
...£££..£. ...£.£££££
£..£..£.££ ...£££....
££.££.£££. £..£..£...
£.££.££..£ .£.££.££..
£££.££.£.£ #### £££ .. £££ #### .£££.££.£.
£..££.££££ twilight zone ££..££.£££
.£.£.££... ,†,†,†,† @»@» »@»@ †,†,†,†, ..£.£.££..
.£££££.£.. £.£££££.£.
.£....£££. this is like a "flow" state but for £££....£££
£££...£..£ pieces of shit persons like me £..£...£..
£..£..££.£ .~. .£.££..££.
££.££.£.££ introducing: the colour purple .£££.£.£.£
..££.££££. extroducing: certain borders and anchors .£..££££££
£.£.££...£ ~.~ .££.£.....
£££££.£..£ where are you going???? .£.£££....
£....£££.£ out .£££..£...
££...£..££ .~. .£..£.££..
£.£..££.£. it's like a timestretch of sorts - move .££.£££.£.
££££.£.£££ tomorrow sufficiently ahead that it's .£.££..£££
....££££.. not something you need to remember. ££££.£.£..
....£...£. all around us the considerableness of ....£££££.
....££..££ things is lowered... things are ....£....£
£...£.£.£. floaty... you get messed around in a ....££...£
.£..££££££ comfortable way... £...£.£..£
£££.£..... ~.~ ££..££££.£
...£££.... sometimes the concept of normalcy is £.£.£...££
£..£..£... strengthened but that's life ££££££..£.
££.££.££.. £.....£.££
..££.££.£. ££....£££.
..£.££.£££ ..£...£..£
£.£££.££.. £.££..££.£
.££..££.£. £££.£.£.££