@¨@¨@@¨¨@¨ ¨@¨@@¨¨@@@
¨@@@@¨@¨@@ ¨@@@¨@¨@¨¨
¨@¨¨¨@@@@¨ @@¨¨@@@@@¨
¨@@¨¨@¨¨¨@ @¨@¨@¨¨¨¨@
@@¨@¨@@¨¨@ ¨@@@@@¨¨¨@
¨¨@@@@¨@¨@ The Phosphor ¨===== A Dark, Wet, ¨@¨¨¨¨@¨¨@
@¨@¨¨¨@@@@ Reality check ¨$$$$= Concrete ¨@@¨¨¨@@¨@
¨@@@¨¨@¨¨¨ System: ¨$$$$= Building, A Damp @@¨@¨¨@¨@@
@@¨¨@¨@@¨¨ Improving ¨@@@@# Smell - ¨¨@@@¨@@@¨
@¨@¨@@@¨@¨ Accuracy And ¨@@@@# Something Is @¨@¨¨@@¨¨@
¨@@@@¨¨@@@ Efficiency In ¨##### Growing Here. ¨@@@¨@¨@¨@
@@¨¨¨@¨@¨¨ Law enforcement ¨##### Algae? Those ¨@¨¨@@@@@@
¨¨@¨¨@@@@¨ ¨@#### Inhabiting The @@@¨@¨¨¨¨¨
¨¨@@¨@¨¨¨@ ¨=#### Labyrinth Care ¨¨¨@@@¨¨¨¨
¨¨@¨@@@¨¨@ ¨¨#### Not So Much ¨¨¨@¨¨@¨¨¨
¨¨@@@¨¨@¨@ ¨¨=### About The ¨¨¨@@¨@@¨¨
¨¨@¨¨@¨@@@ ¨¨¨### Janitorial ¨¨¨@¨@@¨@¨
¨¨@@¨@@@¨¨ ¨¨¨=## Side Of Things. ¨¨¨@@@¨@@@
@¨@¨@@¨¨@¨ So, A Green Tint Then, On The Walls And ¨¨¨@¨¨@@¨¨
@@@@@¨@¨@@ Floors. That'S Fine, There'S A Much @¨¨@@¨@¨@¨
@¨¨¨¨@@@@¨ More Important Color - The Crimson ¨@¨@¨@@@@@
¨@¨¨¨@¨¨¨@ Fire. Hidden Away, Deep In Bureaucratic @@@@@@¨¨¨¨
¨@@¨¨@@¨¨@ And Architectural Mazes Both, The Only @¨¨¨¨¨@¨¨¨
¨@¨@¨@¨@¨@ Place Where They Dare Set It Ablaze, ¨@¨¨¨¨@@¨¨
¨@@@@@@@@@ And Thus Where They Need To Go To ¨@@¨¨¨@¨@¨
¨@¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ Utilize The Flame. @@¨@¨¨@@@@
@@@¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ @¨@@@¨@¨¨¨
@¨¨@¨¨¨¨¨¨ A Thought, A Face, A Flicker In The Red ¨@@¨¨@@@¨¨
@@¨@@¨¨¨¨¨ Fire. Another Thought, The Presumed ¨@¨@¨@¨¨@¨
@¨@@¨@¨¨¨¨ Contact, Another Shiver In The Light. @@@@@@@¨@@
¨@@¨@@@¨¨¨ Then, The Interrogator Imagining Their ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨@@¨
¨@¨@@¨¨@¨¨ Meeting, Talking Perhaps, Exchanging @¨¨¨¨¨¨@¨@
@@@@¨@¨@@¨ Notes. The Fire Is Still. No Resonance. @@¨¨¨¨¨@@@
¨¨¨¨@@@@¨@ ¨¨@¨¨¨¨@¨¨
¨¨¨¨@¨¨¨@@ ¨¨@@¨¨¨@@¨
¨¨¨¨@@¨¨@¨ @¨@¨@¨¨@¨@
@¨¨¨@¨@¨@@ ¨@@@@@¨@@@
¨@¨¨@@@@@¨ ¨@¨¨¨¨@@¨¨