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&,,,,&,,&, ::::::::::::::: ,,,,,&&&,,
,&,,,,&,,& : @@@@@@@@@ : &,,,,&,&&,
,,&,,,,&,, : @ roads @ : &&,,,,,&&&
&,,&,,,,&, : @@@@@@@@@ : ,&&,,,,&,&
&&,,&,,,,& ::::::::::::::: ,&&&,,,,,&
,&&,,&,,,, ,&,&&,,,,&
,&&&,,&,,, roads are physical representations of ,,,&&&,,,,
,&,&&,,&,, the lines on maps that tell you where &,,&,&&,,,
,,,&&&,,&, you can travel. &&,,,&&&,,
,,,&,&&,,& &&&,,&,&&,
,,,,,&&&,, those called roads are for cars. for &,&&,,,&&&
&,,,,&,&&, bikes they are called paths, for trains ,,&&&,,&,&
&&,,,,,&&& they are called rails. ,,&,&&,,,&
,&&,,,,&,& ,,,,&&&,,&
,&&&,,,,,& when traveling by foot, you can follow ,,,,&,&&,,
,&,&&,,,,& all of these, or none. ,,,,,,&&&,
,,,&&&,,,, &,,,,,&,&&
&,,&,&&,,, ,--@--, &&,,,,,,&&
&&,,,&&&,, ,&&,,,,,&,
&&&,,&,&&, most roads are elevated, suspended ,&&&,,,,,,
&,&&,,,&&& between three to a hundred (rare) ,&,&&,,,,,
,,&&&,,&,& meters above ground. the closer you get ,,,&&&,,,,
,,&,&&,,,& to a city, the more intertwined they ,,,&,&&,,,
,,,,&&&,,& get. ,,,,,&&&,,
,,,,&,&&,, &,,,,&,&&,
,,,,,,&&&, in such areas, all crossings and ,&,,,,,&&&
&,,,,,&,&& intersections are placed in tunnels, or ,,&,,,,&,&
&&,,,,,,&& special tower-like structures called &,,&,,,,,&
,&&,,,,,&, outposts, which enfold the roads where ,&,,&,,,,&
,&&&,,,,,, they interact. ,,&,,&,,,,
,&,&&,,,,, &,,&,,&,,,
,,,&&&,,,, ,--@--, &&,,&,,&,,
,,,&,&&,,, ,&&,,&,,&,
,,,,,&&&,, here and there you will find symbols in ,&&&,,&,,&
&,,,,&,&&, white, on the asphalt. these are meant ,&,&&,,&,,
,&,,,,,&&& to tell the drivers about what ,,,&&&,,&,
,,&,,,,&,& manouvers they allowed to perform on ,,,&,&&,,&
&,,&,,,,,& that particular stretch of road. &,,,,&&&,,
,&,,&,,,,& ,&,,,&,&&,
,,&,,&,,,, however, some creatures paint their own ,,&,,,,&&&
&,,&,,&,,, illicit symbols encoding territorial ,,,&,,,&,&
&&,,&,,&,, claims, nearby resources, or other ,,,,&,,,,&
,&&,,&,,&, unknown and mysterious things. ,,,,,&,,,&
,&&&,,&,,& ,,,,,,&,,,
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