african dream root            
 this  one  is  for   ~get   the  dreams~ 
 eat   him   daily   for   six-ish   days 
        prepare      like      so       
 grate the root  on a  grater, to a  nice 
 powder, and  mix  the powder with  water 
 then you need to whip it  into  a foam 
 and    then,   you   eat,   the    foam. 
 you  will get  longer  dreams, and  more 
     lucid dreams, it will accelerate     
           throughout the week.           
 after six-ish  days, you  must  stop the 
 eating   of   foam.   the   dreams  will 
        continue for another week.        
 if you  do not stop, the dreams will not 
 stop.  they will take over. you will not 
                 be well.