,&&,,&&,&, ,&,,,&,&,&
,,&,&,&,&, ,&,,&&,&,&
,&&,&,&,&, ,&,&,&,&,&
,,&,&,&,&, ,&,&,&,&,&
,&&,&,&,&, ,&,&,&,&,&
,,&,,&,&&& ~~ ,&,,&&,,,,
,,,&,,,&,& †,@†,@†,@ ~,,~ ,†@,†@,†@ ,,&,&&&,,,
,,,,&,,,,& ,@ †@ &,,,&,&&,,
,,,,,&,,,& @† At First They Think They Hear A ,† ,&,,,,&&&,
,,,,,,&,,, †, Bird, An Elusive Call They Can'T @, ,,&,,,&,&&
&,,,,,,&,, ,@ Place, And They Will Linger. Lured †@ ,,,&,,,,&&
&&,,,,,,&, @† By The Trills (We Create Synthetic ,† ,,,,&,,,&,
&&&,,,,,,& †, Trills To Saturate And Confuse The @, ,,,,,&,,,,
&,&&,,,,,, ,@ Senses) They Edge Nearer. Until †@ ,,,,,,&,,,
,,&&&,,,,, @† They Are Suddenly Too Close. Then ,† ,,,,,,,&,,
,,&,&&,,,, †, Our Full Call In All It'S Majesty, @, ,,,,,,,,&,
,,,,&&&,,, ,@ Piercing Them And Enflaming A Fake †@ ,,,,,,,,,&
&,,,&,&&,, @† Love To Drench All Others! ,† ,,,,,,,,,,
,&,,,,&&&, ,@ †@ ,,,,,,,,,,
,,&,,,&,&& @†,@†,@†, †@,†@,†@, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,&,,,,&& ~,,~ ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,&,,,&, †,@†,@†,@ ,†@,†@,†@ ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,&,,,, ,@ †@ ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,&,,, @† And Then, We Quickly Pull Away ,† ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,&,, †, That New Love, And They Shall Be @, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,&, ,@ Like Moths, Searching For Any †@ &,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,& @† Glimmer, Anything To Nurture This ,† ,&,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, †, New And Fiery Need We Instilled @, ,,&,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,@ In Their Hearts. †@ &,,&,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, @† ,† &&,,&,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, †,@†,@†,@ ~,,~ ,†@,†@,†@ ,&&,,&,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ~~ ,&&&,,&,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,&,&&,,&,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,&&&,,&,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,&,&&,,&
&,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,&&&,,
,&,,,,,,,, ,,,,,&,&&,
,,&,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,&&&