@##£.&.,.¨ &£#,¨&§#,£
.,,£&@,,¨. ¨¨&¨§..@&,
.¨@¨.@,.¨, ¨¤#¤@.&.¤¨
.¤¤.#§¨.,£ §.¨¨¤&@@§,
#¨£§.#¨.£. §.,¤.,,¨&,
£§,¤&@.§¤@ fuck dirt ... highly volatile auto- §,££,,.@§@
¨£§¨¨#¤,,. .,,¨,.,.¨,,.. weaponized dirtlike §£.@,,£,..
&,#¨£¨#..& distributed organism pool ¨&§£¨§£¨.,
@&£¤¤¤§,#§ £¨¨§£.£.,§
,,,.,,£§.. the fuck dirt .fucks^ §.#¨@§§,§¨
.¨¨¨¨£¨#,¨ &¤£§¨.¤&@¨
.¨.¨@@£¤,, .¨,¨.,,¨,,.¨¨,,.,.¨,¨¨¨.¨,¨,..,¨¨.¨..,,¨ ,.¨&¨#¨.@.
,¨,¤,¨¨#,. ,,¨¨.¨.,,,,¨¨¨¨¨,.,,,.¨......,.¨,,.¨..¨. ,,££&&.§&¨
.¨§@¨.¤£¨¤ ¨@..¨§§.§,
,£.#¨£¨¤¤£ a good mix of spermatodes, eggs, &§¨.#.£§&,
§#££&¨.£ larvae, carcasses,, worms, spores, .&,¤£&,¨@.
¨,¨.¨¨£¨#£ insects and gross plants. ¤#¤¨.¤,¤§&
,.,¨,¤@@.. ,¨¤,@£&,,&
,,..£.¨¤.@ you do .not. step on this without shoes ¨#&¤.,&.#&
...@&.#¤§& or smth. unless you wanna get foot ¤..¤.¤@§,&
,¨#.&&...¤ pregnant (some do) &¨¤##.,¤¤&
¨§&¤,£,¨¤& @¤¨,£.@,.#
£¨,&@£,¤.. ,,¨,¨ ¨&,£&§#¨§@
£,£,¨#¤#,¨ @#§.¨,¤¤.¨
&§&¨¤..&.¤ escaped from lab? inevitability because ¨.£..@,¤.#
¨¨#¤§.£&£# of the conditions on the alvar? or does .@§.##&§#.
,§.,@@.¨,. nature just be like that if you look §.#£.,.¨£¨
¨£,&¨,¨¨ close??? &¤,¤,.,£&,
,@¤@@@¨.., .¤#¤,¨@,¤#
¤¨¨.,@¨¨¨. ,¨.¨¨¨,¨.¨,¨¨...¨¨.,¨,.,,¨,¨..¨¨..,..,¨, £¨,@,£,&
£¨.....# ^:~~.~.:^,.,^:,:.,.,:.-:.,..,-..-:,~^^^^ #¨#¤&.,&£¨
§..§,£,.&, *\:*†:*†^=*:^:^*\†\:^/\:**;\*\=;/\†=;=/† £§¨¨£¨£,£#
#¨#&¨£@, :/**:/:\;:^:=*=\\/^\††/::^†/\/†/;=:^†^;\ .£,§££&¤¨.
¤&,.¨¤§¨¤@ §&¤¨¨.,£.¤
.§¨.§¨@&.@ ¨¨#..¨¤&£¨
§£,§§¤¨@§& .&£..@,,#,
¨£§,..,, §.&.§£,£§&
£,§.§¨¤.¨¤ @££#.¤¤.,§