£,£££,,,,, ££,,,££,£,
£££,,£,,,, ,,£,,£,£££
,,,£,££,,, ,,££,£££,,
,,,£££,£,, ,,£,££,,£,
,,,£,,£££, £,£££,£,££
£,,££,£,,£ ;;;;;;;;;;; ,££,,££££,
££,£,£££,£ ; mig bac ; ,£,£,£,,,£
,,££££,,££ ;;;;;;;;;;; ,££££££,,£
£,£,,,£,£, ££,,,,,£,£
,£££,,££££ on the verge of being repulsive but £,£,,,,£££
££,,£,£,,, still soooo good... in some way... so ££££,,,£,,
£,£,££££,, slimy, so flimsy ,,,,£,,££,
£££££,,,£, ,,,,££,£,£
,,,,,£,,££ the best hamburger that mc donalds has £,,,£,££££
£,,,,££,£, to offer if you combine the taste with ,£,,£££,,,
££,,,£,£££ the classicality and original thought ,££,£,,£,,
£,£,,£££,, of combining two single burgers into ££,£££,££,
££££,£,,£, a double burger. ,,££,,££,£
,,,,£££,££ ,,£,£,£,££
£,,,£,,££, it's nice ,,£££££££,
££,,££,£,£ ,,£,,,,,,£
,,£,£,££££ the maestros have nothing on this ,,££,,,,,£
£,£££££,,, bad boy. ,,£,£,,,,£
,££,,,,£,, im srs. fight me £,££££,,,£
££,£,,,££, £££,,,£,,£
,,£££,,£,£ £,,£,,££,£
£,£,,£,£££ ££,££,£,££
,£££,£££,, ,,££,££££,
,£,,££,,£, ,,£,££,,,£