.£.££.££.. ..££££££££
££££.££.£. £.£.......
£...££.£££ .£££......
££..£.££.. .£..£.....
£.£.£££.£. .££.££....
......££.. »» ££..££....
£££££....£ *.@*.@*.@ »..» .*@.*@.*@ .......£££
££££..££.. .@ *@ ££££££..££
£££....... @* at first they think they hear a .* .££££....£
££..££££££ *. bird, an elusive call they can't @. ..££..££..
.....££££. .@ place, and they will linger. lured *@ £.........
££££..££.. @* by the trills (we create synthetic .* ..££££££££
£££......£ *. trills to saturate and confuse the @. ...£££££££
££..££££.. .@ senses) they edge nearer. until *@ ££..££££££
£....££... @* they are suddenly too close. then .* £....£££££
..££....££ *. our full call in all it's majesty, @. ..££..££££
.....££... .@ piercing them and enflaming a fake *@ .......££.
££££....££ @* love to drench all others! .* ££££££....
.££..££... .@ *@ .££££..££.
........££ @*.@*.@*. *@.*@.*@. ..££......
£££££££..£ »..» .....£££££
££££££.... *.@*.@*.@ .*@.*@.*@ ££££..££££
£££££..£££ .@ *@ £££....£££
££££....££ @* and then, we quickly pull away .* ££..££..££
£££..££... *. that new love, and they shall be @. .........£
££......££ .@ like moths, searching for any *@ ££££££££..
...££££..£ @* glimmer, anything to nurture this .* £££££££...
££..££.... *. new and fiery need we instilled @. ££££££..££
£......££. .@ in their hearts. *@ £££££....£
..££££.... @* .* ££££..££..
£..££..£££ *.@*.@*.@ »..» .*@.*@.*@ .££......£
........££ »» ....££££..
£££££££..£ .££..££..£
££££££.... ..........
.££££..££. £££££££££.
..££...... ££££££££..
£....£££££ £££££££..£
..££..££££ ££££££....