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££..£..... £££..££...
......££££ ££......£.
£££££..£££ ;;; «« ........ «« ;;; £..££££...
.£££....££ ;; « The Most Delightful Thing... « ;; ....££..£.
..£..££..£ ;;; «« ........ «« ;;; .££.......
£......... ....££££££
..££££££££ To Become A Stone... A Big, Dark And £££..£££££
...££££££. Porous Stone... ££....£££.
££..££££.. ...££..£..
.....££... A Cavernous Stone. A Part Of The Vast ££........
££££....££ Hollowness Of The Earth. Within You The ...£££££££
£££..££... Same Air As Is Within The Mountains. ££..££££££
££......££ .....£££££
£..££££... Cold Air, Good Air, Great And Slow Air. ££££..££££
....££..££ Moving Throughout. £££....£££
.££......£ ££..££..£.
....££££.. To Be Wired In... Loosened Up... Eroded £.........
£££..££... Away... Down And Out... ..££££££££
££......££ £..£££££££
£..££££..£ ....££££££
....££.... .££..£££££
.££....££. ......£££.
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