@¶%%%%\«,, ,,«\%%%%¶@
¶&%\«,,,,, ,,,,,«\%&¶
&%%%%%\«,, ,,«\%%%%%&
##@&%%\«,, ,,«\%%&@##
#@¶&%%\«,, ,,«\%%&¶@#
&%««,,,,,, @@@ @@@ ,,,,,,««%&
@¶¶&%%\«,, @@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ ,,«\%%&¶¶@
##@¶&%%\«, @@@ @ moth @ @@@ ,«\%%&¶@##
#@¶&%%\«,, \\\ \ princess \ \\\ ,,«\%%&¶@#
#@¶&%%\«,, «««« ««««« ««««« «««« ,,«\%%&¶@#
¶¶%\\,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,,\\%¶¶
&%%%%«««,, ,, , , ,, ,,«««%%%%&
#@¶&%%\«,, ,, ,, ,,«\%%&¶@#
#@¶&%%\«,, ,,«\%%&¶@#
@¶¶&%%\«,, deity-like entity from kirugu vargir ,,«\%%&¶¶@
&%\,,,,,,, , self-proclaimed ruler or moths (self- ,,,,,,,\%&
@@¶&%%\«,, evident) ,,«\%%&¶@@
¶¶%%««,,,, , moth-like, actually ,,,,««%%¶¶
##@¶%%\«,, , bends spacetime to travel any ,,«\%%¶@##
@@¶&%%\«,, distance but doesn't understand the ,,«\%%&¶@@
##@¶%%\«,, implications ,,«\%%¶@##
&&%\\««,,, ,,,««\\%&&
&&&&%%\«,, , doesn't understand a lot of things ,,«\%%&&&&
&&%\,,,,,, about, like, object permanence or ,,,,,,\%&&
#@¶&%%\«,, suffering, or the point of view of ,,«\%%&¶@#
@¶¶&%%\«,, other consciousnesses ,,«\%%&¶¶@
@&%\«,,,,, ,,,,,«\%&@
¶&&&%%\«,, , kills out , totally vores ,,«\%%&&&¶
#@¶&%%\«,, of boredom moths ,,«\%%&¶@#
##@¶&%\«,, ,,«\%&¶@##
@¶%\«,,,,, , has the power ,,,,,«\%¶@
¶%%«,,,,,, to ,,,,,,«%%¶
##¶&%%\«,, create ,,«\%%&¶##
@&%\«,,,,, ,,,,,«\%&@
¶¶¶&%%\«,, ,,«\%%&¶¶¶
@&&%%%\«,, ,,«\%%%&&@
&%%\«,,,,, ,,,,,«\%%&
#@¶&%%\«,, ,,«\%%&¶@#
¶&%\,,,,,, ,,,,,,\%&¶