,,,,,,£££, ,,,,,,,,,,
£££££,,£,, ££££££££££
££££,,,,,, ££££££££££
£££,,£££££ ,£££££££££
££,,,,£££, ,,££££££££
£,,££,,£,, A String Of Pearls, Like A Necklace. ,,,£££££££
,,,,,,,,,£ Glowing In Offensive Colors. Luring. ££,,££££££
,£££££££,, ,,,,,££££,
,,£££££,,, #~~~~~~# ££££,,££,,
£,,£££,,££ ~~~~~~~* Mall *~~~~~~~ ,££,,,,,,£
,,,,£,,,,, #~~~~~~# ,,,,££££,,
£££,,,££££ £££,,££,,£
££,,£,,££, A Few Ways To Get Betrayed: Being Sold ££,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, Broken Items Or Mimicry, Being Recorded ,,,££££££,
££££££££££ (For What Purpose?), Being Ascribed A ££,,££££,,
,£££££££££ Negative Value And Getting Kicked Out, £,,,,££,,,
,,££££££££ Or Beaten, Getting Requisitioned To ,,££,,,,££
,,,£££££££ Operate Some Facet Of The Body (Being £,,,,££,,,
££,,££££££ Cared For Enough To Fear Losing Its ,,££,,,,££
£,,,,£££££ Favor, Yet Not Enough To Meaningfully ,,,,,££,,£
,,££,,£££, Survive) ££££,,,,,,
£,,,,,,£,, £££,,£££££
,,££££,,,£ Evokes The Sense Of Scavenging, But It ££,,,,££££
,,,££,,£,, Is A Projection And A Mirage - It'S All ,,,££,,££,
££,,,,,,,£ Controlled And Coreographed, Presented ££,,,,,,,,
,,,£££££,, Like A Gift, A Reward For Nothing. ,,,££££££,
££,,£££,,£ For Being So Beautiful. ££,,££££,,
,,,,,£,,,, £,,,,££,,,
££££,,,££, With That In Mind, Is There A Choice? ,,££,,,,££
£££,,£,,,, £,,,,££,,£
££,,,,,££, It'S Easy To Grow Lazy With Its Ease, ,,££,,,,,,
,,,£££,,,, And Leave Your Network Of Minor Streams £,,,,££££,
££,,£,,££, And Animal PoolS In Dissaray, And With ,,££,,££,,
,,,,,,,,,, The Waning Of Your Secret Wells, Your ,,,,,,,,,,
££££££££££ Depencence On The Mall Will Grow. ££££££££££
££££££££££ ££££££££££
££££££££££ ££££££££££
££££££££££ ££££££££££
££££££££££ ££££££££££
££££££££££ ££££££££££