....~;;@££ ££@;;~....
.~~;=@£@## ##@£@=;~~.
.~~;=@£@## ##@£@=;~~.
.~~;@£@### ###@£@;~~.
.~~;=@£@## ##@£@=;~~.
.~~;=@£@## ##@£@=;~~.
....~;;;=£ ...~~~ outside ~~~.. £=;;;~....
.....~~;@@ ~~~~;;;;;~~~~ @@;~~.....
.~~;===@££ ££@===;~~.
.~~;=@£@## everything cool happens outisde! it's ##@£@=;~~.
.~~;=£@### where weather happens, it's the suns ###@£=;~~.
.~~;=@££@@ domain. @@££@=;~~.
.~~;=@£@## ##@£@=;~~.
.~~;=@£@## trees are outside, rivers are outside, ##@£@=;~~.
.~~;=@£@## most animals are outside. ##@£@=;~~.
.....~;;=£ £=;;~.....
.~~;;==@£@ ~~~~;;;;;~~~~ @£@==;;~~.
.~~;=@£@@# #@@£@=;~~.
.....~;=£# "inside" is an artificial construct #£=;~.....
....~~;@@@ @@@;~~....
.~~=@£@### mathematically placed trees on the side ###@£@=~~.
....~~=££@ of the road @££=~~....
.~~;====@@ @@====;~~.
.~~;=@@£@# cities come at a peculiar and horrible #@£@@=;~~.
.~~~~~;=£# cost, that must be kept secret. this is #£=;~~~~~.
.~~;;===@@ the power of "inside" @@===;;~~.
.~~;=@£@## ##@£@=;~~.
.....~;@@@ @@@;~.....
.~~;=@£@## ##@£@=;~~.
.~~;=@£@## ##@£@=;~~.
.....~=@@@ @@@=~.....
.~~;=@££@# #@££@=;~~.