¨¨¨^/*£££# #£££*/^¨¨¨
¨^~/*££¶## ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*£¶### ###¶£*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶## ##¶££*/~^¨
¨¨¨¨^//£££ £££//^¨¨¨¨
¨^~/*££¶## gray skies, swirling with soot. stony ##¶££*/~^¨
¨¨¨~~**£££ ground with no hints of vegetation. £££**~~¨¨¨
¨^~/*££¶## ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶## below the surface are the mines, ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*£££¶# spiraling down into the crust. small #¶£££*/~^¨
¨¨¨¨^//£££ compared to the caverns they eventually £££//^¨¨¨¨
¨^~/*££¶## reach and join with. the temperature is ##¶££*/~^¨
¨¨¨¨¨¨^/£¶ higher down here, and the view is not ¶£/^¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨¨~**££ as monochrome: a green light beckons ££**~¨¨¨¨¨
¨^~/*££¶## from below. ##¶££*/~^¨
¨¨¨^^~**££ ££**~^^¨¨¨
¨¨¨^^/**£¶ long ago, there was a lifeform here. in ¶£**/^^¨¨¨
¨^~/££¶### the center of the planetoid, something ###¶££/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶## dormant, waiting for a collision with ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶## another body. but no planet was ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶## reached, and over time, the seedling ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶## became a sludge. ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/**£££¶ ¶£££**/~^¨
¨^~/***£¶# and elves came as miners, and the #¶£***/~^¨
¨¨¨¨^~**£# sludge was bottled. #£**~^¨¨¨¨
¨^~/*££¶## ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶## ######################################## ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶## # # ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*£££¶¶ # ######£#££££££££££££££££££££#£###### # ¶¶£££*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶¶# # # # # #¶¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶## # # #¶¶£*£********************£*£¶¶# # # ##¶££*/~^¨
¨¨¨¨¨~//*£ ¶ # # # # ¶ £*//~¨¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨^~*£¶¶ ¶ # # the cargo ship is filled, # # ¶ ¶¶£*~^¨¨¨¨
¨^~/*££¶¶# £ # ¶ prepared for launch, ¶ # £ #¶¶££*/~^¨
¨¨¨¨~//*££ * ¶ ¶ ignition sequence started ¶ ¶ * ££*//~¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨¨^/£¶¶ / £ ¶ hours ago. elves in the ¶ £ / ¶¶£/^¨¨¨¨¨
¨^~/*££¶## / * £ passenger cabin, not yet £ * / ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*££££# ~ / £ seated. but something is £ / ~ #££££*/~^¨
¨^~//***££ ~ ~ £ wrong. there is something £ ~ ~ ££***//~^¨
¨¨¨¨^/££££ ^ ^ * green around their mouths. * ^ ^ ££££/^¨¨¨¨
¨^~/*£¶### ^ ^ / the sludge has been sampled, / ^ ^ ###¶£*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶¶¶ ^ ^ ~ entertained, and then ~ ^ ^ ¶¶¶££*/~^¨
¨¨¨¨¨¨~/££ ^ ^ ^ finally binged on. ^ ^ ^ ££/~¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨^~/*££££¶ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¶££££*/~^¨
¨¨^~//*££¶ ¨ ¨ ¨ the engines are burning hot, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¶££*//~^¨¨
¨¨¨¨¨^/*£¶ and the ship accelerates ¶£*/^¨¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨¨^/*£¶ away. the elves have ¶£*/^¨¨¨¨¨
¨^~/*££¶## strapped themselves in, and ##¶££*/~^¨
¨¨¨^^^/*££ are lying completely still, ££*/^^^¨¨¨
¨^~/*££¶## like corpses. ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶## ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶## ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶## ##¶££*/~^¨
¨^~/*£¶### ###¶£*/~^¨
¨^~/*££¶## ##¶££*/~^¨