##@@$%=~-, ,-~=%$@@##
@@@£$%=~-, ,-~=%$£@@@
#@@£$%=~-, ,-~=%$£@@#
@$$%=~~~-, ,-~~~=%$$@
@@$==-,,,, ,,,,-==$@@
#@@£$%=~-, ~clinkle~ , , , , ,-~=%$£@@#
##@£$%=~-, , , ~clinkle~ , , , ,-~=%$£@##
##@£$%=~-, ,, , , , ,, ,,, , ,, ~clink~ ,-~=%$£@##
£%==---,,, , ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,, , , ,,,---==%£
@@@£$%=~-, , ,,,,,,,,,,,~clirr~,,,,,,, , , ,-~=%$£@@@
@£££$%=~-, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,-~=%$£££@
£%%%~,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,~%%%£
@@@£$%=~-, , , ,,,,, , , ,-~=%$£@@@
#@@£$%=~-, , , , , , ,-~=%$£@@#
##@£$%=~-, , , ,-~=%$£@##
#@@£$%=~-, the humidity in the cave air condense ,-~=%$£@@#
##@@£%=~-, into droplets in the roof of the hall, ,-~=%£@@##
#@@£$%=~-, and is then slowly carried down the ,-~=%$£@@#
£%%=-,,,,, arches, where the drops melt together ,,,,,-=%%£
££$=-,,,,, , until they're finally to heavy to , ,,,,,-=$££
£$%=~,,,,, cling. a few seconds in the air, then ,,,,,~=%$£
£££%~,,,,, they hit the crystals that have invaded ,,,,,~%£££
@@@£$%=~-, , , the stone floor. , , ,-~=%$£@@@
££$%~~~,,, , , , , , ,,,~~~%$££
@£$%~~-,,, the crystals are scales, from the ,,,-~~%$£@
##@@£$%=-, dragon. they look like ice, but they ,-=%$£@@##
@@@£$%=~-, are not. dragon scales are made of nail ,-~=%$£@@@
£££$==---, tissue, and on the dragon that made ,---==$£££
#@@£$%=~-, these, it is heavily infused with ,-~=%$£@@#
@$%%=---,, quartz. in the faint light of the cave, ,,---=%%$@
#@@£$%=~-, they shimmer pink and teal. ,-~=%$£@@#
##@@$%=~-, ,-~=%$@@##
@@@£$%=~-, the dragon is translucent like the ,-~=%$£@@@
@$==~~,,,, scales, and as it lies in the middle of ,,,,~~==$@
#@@£$%=~-, the hall it looks little more than a ,-~=%$£@@#
£$==~-,,,, bump in the pile. when awake, when ,,,,-~==$£
££%~-,,,,, soaring, it becomes a facet of the sky ,,,,,-~%££
£%%~-,,,,, itself. but here and now it is asleep, ,,,,,-~%%£
##@@$%=~-, and dreaming. ,-~=%$@@##
@@$$$%=~-, ,-~=%$$$@@
#@@£$%=~-, it is dreaming about you... ,-~=%$£@@#
##@£$%=~-, ,-~=%$£@##
##@£$%=~-, ,-~=%$£@##
@@@£$%=~-, ,-~=%$£@@@
#@@£$%=~-, ,-~=%$£@@#
##@@£$%=~- -~=%$£@@##