.:=/%@£#@# #@#£@%/=:.
.:=/%@£#@# #@#£@%/=:.
.:=/%@£#@# #@#£@%/=:.
.:=/%%%£££ £££%%%/=:.
.....:/%@£ £@%/:.....
.:=/%@£#@@ ==@#== @@#£@%/=:.
.:=/%@£#@# ==@ @== #@#£@%/=:.
...=///%££ ==@ life @== ££%///=...
.:=/%%%££# ==@ @== #££%%%/=:.
......=%£# ==#@== #£%=......
.:=/%@£#@# #@#£@%/=:.
.:=/%@#@## = = @ a multitude of definitions @ = = ##@#@%/=:.
......=/@# = @ does not help. we @ = #@/=......
.:=/%@£#@# @ can say "life is @ #@#£@%/=:.
.:=/%@£#@# = @ what we are, and @ = #@#£@%/=:.
.:=//%@@£# = = @ what things like us @ = = #£@@%//=:.
.:=/%@£### = @ are", but then we @ = ###£@%/=:.
.:=/%@£#@# @ must also define what @ #@#£@%/=:.
..:=/%%%%£ = @ "things like us" actually @ = £%%%%/=:..
.:=/%@£### = = @ entails, how it should @ = = ###£@%/=:.
.:=/%@£#@# = @ be measured, who or @ = #@#£@%/=:.
.......=%£ @ what is the arbiter, @ £%=.......
.:=/%@£@## = @ and so instead there @ = ##@£@%/=:.
....:=%%££ = = @ is this internationally ££%%=:....
....=//@@# sanctioned list @ = = #@@//=....
.:=/%@£#@# = = = = @ of criteria @ = = = = #@#£@%/=:.
.:=/%@£##@ @##£@%/=:.
.:=/%@£#@# - life must produce or consume milk #@#£@%/=:.
.:=/%@£#@# - life must have a beginning and an end #@#£@%/=:.
.:=/%@£### - life can have dreams and can interact ###£@%/=:.
.:=/%@£#@# - life can steal #@#£@%/=:.
.:=/%@£#@# - life can be cursed #@#£@%/=:.
.:=/%@£#@# #@#£@%/=:.
.:=/////@# #@/////=:.
.....:=%@£ £@%=:.....
.:=/%@£#@@ @@#£@%/=:.
.:=//%%@## ##@%%//=:.