,,,~~=%£¤@ @¤£%=~~,,,
,,.,,¨,/$@ @$/,¨,,.,,
¨.~~~^@£@@ @@£@^~~~.¨
¨-«~«»^%#¤ ¤#%^»«~«-¨
¨^~†&&£@## ##@£&&†~^¨
,..¨,/$¤£# #*~--«««»~~,-,,¨.¨,¨¨¨,¨¨,^.~«~-~~~«»«@# #£¤$/,¨..,
¨..¨,,~†¤@ % HANDCUFFS £ @¤†~,,¨..¨
¨¨,,«$*%#& #%~~=====-«^:,,¨,.,,¨¨.¨¨.,-~~=~-«===-$# %*$«,,¨¨
..=†*%£@@# #@@£%*†=..
,:~^%££### shoplifters know aldi alarm tags only ###££%^~:,
¨-~\^@@@## trigger aldi alarms*. shoplifters also ##@@@^\~-¨
¨,~:*&@# know that void mart alarm tags only #@#&&*:~,¨
¨.¨,~*^%@# trigger void mart alarms. #@%^*~,¨.¨
,-=;§$¤@¶# #¶@¤$§;=-,
..~^^$§@@@ however, if you get caught handcuffs @@@§$^^~..
¨,,,,~*\*& can be put on you as a punishment by &*\*~,,,,¨
,,.,,~=&§# police, and you are to wear them #§&=~,,.,,
.^«††£&@## indefenitely forever ##@&£††«^.
..-=\†@@£¤ ¤£@@†\=-..
,.~:†¤¤@@@ , , , @@@¤¤†:~.,
,.~:†¤¤@## , , , , , , ##@¤¤†:~.,
,.~:†¤¤### , , And They Will Trigger All Alarms , , ###¤¤†:~.,
,.~:†¤¤@## , , , , , , ##@¤¤†:~.,
,,,,,,~:¤¤ , , , ¤¤:~,,,,,,
.--†=$@# #@#&$=†--.
¨~-:^@§### while this is distressing at first and ###§@^:-~¨
¨.~--=**@£ can certainly lead to anxiousness, most £@**=--~.¨
.~«^$£$&@@ store workers are sympathetic and will @@&$£$^«~.
¨:»;=@@£## let you go if you ask them. ##£@@=;»:¨
¨¨,::««%§# #§%««::,¨¨
¨¨,.~-:%¤@ @¤%:-~.,¨¨
...,,,¨=*# #*=¨,,,...
.,-†$$@@## ##@@$$†-,.
,,«=%%&¶## ##¶&%%=«,,
* probably not true, idk