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£&¨#¨¨¤£.§ #=»» ~-~ »»= «~~ ==~ «~« «»~ -«~ =~»# ¨£¨¤£&,¤§,
¤,&&£,¤¨£¤ ; Page On Snake Handling. / ¨£&@,.£&.&
,&§¨.#¤¤§, #-»- -«» »«« »«~ ~-» ~«~ -»« ~~= ~-~# #£..£,§,@#
#§¨@,§¨¨,£ ,,£,#§#@£¨
@.£§£§#.¨& The Goal Is Anyway To Become Lucid @¨#§¤,¨.¨#
¨£@¨¨..&.§ Inside The Dream (If The Dream Is A ,£¤.¨£.¨.£
§@.§,¨.¤§@ Container) Or While The Dream Takes .¤,£,#¤,.@
,.#.¨&¨. Place (If It Is An Event). This Is .¤@§#£¨¤.§
&.@¨¨£.§§. Somehow To Do With Serpents. ,§¨..¨####
.&§@¨¤£&¨£ ¤£@.¨.&.,,
¨&¨.£#,,@¤ #~»» «=- «== ~«» ~»- =~- ~~- =-« =~»# ¤,,¤,.¤@.,
,,¤,@,§. * I Knew There Would Be Snakes, They \ ¤¤,#£¨¤¨§¨
.§,@£@§§@& ^ Have This Particular Shape To Them, = §,&§.§§#£§
¤£¨,,.¨, = Makes Them Fit Into Cracks, * &.¤#,¨¨.
£¨..¤..,¨. \ Into Seams. \ ,,,§¤,&¨¨,
££,,#¤¨.,, = .¨.~»@~~,,¨ ^ §¨,§¨@§£.,
@,§.#¨¤.¨¨ ^ (Since Realm-Travelness Is Inversely * £¤¨&§£¨.§,
£@§@§£#@¨. * Proportional To Size; Larger Animals = .¨&£¨,¤.¤@
¨....,¨,@, \ Have To Stay Put. = ,.@.£¨§§£.
,,¨.,,.,§§ : Snakes Can Cheat This By Being = #,@@&¤&,.#
#,.,¨,.,@. / Almost One-Dimensional.) : .£@.,.,§¨#
¨£....,,#@ #~~« -«« -«~ -~~ ~~« -»~ ««- »~~ ~»=# .§.£¨¨.##&
@@£¨,¨,¨#. @£@¤¤.,#,.
@..£,.¨¨£@ Eitherway. I Did Not Fully Understand #¨.,¨#¨&@.
§§¨£@¨,,&, Which Role They Would Play, Or Exactly .§,¨¨¤¤@,@
¨,&£¨@,.£# ~Which- Snakes They Would Be - The ¨¤£..¤¨¨@#
£,£¨§&£¨@. Nagas! The Snake people. ¤¤.£.#§,#.
#¤#£#.¨@§£ ,.¤#&&,§¤&
,,¨.,¤¨&¨, You Will Want Them To Guide You If You .,§,¨,#&,,
¨.,.¨£¤&¤, Can. They Are Excellent Nidra Guides, £,#§.¨&,@,
..,,.#.¨,@ And Many Will Take You On Pro Bono §@#¨£,£££@
&.,¨.&&.,& (I Suspect They Find Amusement In Our @¨,§@,¨¨
&&¨,,@.£¨§ Attempts To Travel Where We Are Not @§.&.¨¨§¨,
@,&..£#§££ Easy To Be.) The Problem Is Finding One. ¨.#§£¨,##¨
@&¤§.¤,,.. @,@¨.&¨¤¨¤
,¨.,@&¤,., #~~= »»~ -»~ ~»~ »=~ =~- ~~~ »~- -«~# .#&¤.§§&@&
@¨¨,@..@.. : Don'T Fret If Your Meeting Does Not / ££.,§&.,¨,
@&,.§&,§£¨ ^ Go Well - Talking To A Snake Is * .,¤.#,@.,.
§.#¨§,¤§.@ † Often A Recursive Matter. You Will ^ ¨.#£§§§@¨¨
§£##@£¤,@# † Meet Many Times As You Fall Deeper, \ ,.¤.,..,¤¨
¤.¨..,,#§¨ † Once Per Stage, The Snake Taking \ ¨¨@&,¨,.#§
¨#.¨¨.¨§,£ * Various Forms In Succession (Stream, * ¤¨#.£,.,@,
¨@&¨,.¨### ; Snake, Half-Snake, Queen, Stream, ^ @&&§..£@
£&¨#.¨.#.. : Thunder). You Must Repeat All * ¤,¨.¨,#¨¤,
#.¤£#,,£§. † Pleasantries Each Time As If You'Ve / ,&¨¨,,§£&&
,¤¤,¨&,@.& \ Never Before Met (Although The Snake = ,§£,,,§,,,
,&¨£¨§&@#§ ; May Choose To Address You As An Old ; @§.§,¨##¨.
¨¤#@¤£,,¨, = Friend, Follow Their Lead If So). ^ #,¤@@,&.@,
.§...,¤.¨¨ #-~« ~~» ~~~ »»« «~= ~«» ~=- -~» ~-~# ¨@#¨,£&¤§§
¤££...£#¨, #¤.£.@¨.,.
¤.,£.,#¨§¨ They Have Something To Do With Water, .¨#&@@@¨.,
#¤¨¤¤.¤&¤& Some Close Relation To It. I'Ve Yet To ¤¨£,,¨¨§,,
&¨§¤,#&,,, Uncover What This Is. But You Might @&@@.,,@@,
¤§#.§¤.¤¨. Have A Higher Chance Of Finding One ¨¨..&.¨@,¤
,¨,@#.¤£¤. Close To A River Or Lake...? £¨¨.£@,##§
§¨.@,§@¨.£ .#,.@¨¤@,,
@§.&££¨¤.@ I'Ve Also Heard Them Mentioned Together .&£.§£&.@¨
§¨&§¨.@§ With Caves Or "The World Beneath The .#.¤§.¨£&£
¨@£,&¨&,.¨ World". Coincidence? You Find Regular ¨@@£,£¨#.¨
.¤,#¤@§£.. Snakes In Regular Caves. Or - Could £&.¨£¤&&£.
.¤¤@.¨¨,£. This Be A Reference To The Dark lake? .,&¨@.¨¨¨@
#¤¨.@..,@# The Holy Water In The Center Of Your ¨,#@...@
,¨§¨§@,.¤, Chest. Guardians? &,£¨.,¤.¨§
#¨¤£&¨£¨§¤ .@¤@.¨&@.&
.@¤.,£¤#@¨ ¤@,,@.§¨¤§
£@,¤¨£,.,& ,,¤,@@§¤&.
@.##¤¤£¨¨@ £,@,,¨,§
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