,~«:*$@@## ##@@$*:«~,
,~«:*$$$@@ @@$$$*:«~,
,~«:*$@@@# #@@@$*:«~,
,,,,,,~:$@ @$:~,,,,,,
,,~«««:$@@ @@$:«««~,,
,~«:*$$$@@ ~~ ~~ @@$$$*:«~,
,~~~«:**@@ :: :: @@**:«~~~,
,~«:***$@@ @@ @@ @@$***:«~,
,~«:*$@@## ##@@$*:«~,
,,,,,,,«*@ «««««««««« bone reading «««««««««« @*«,,,,,,,
,,,~:*$$$@ @$$$*:~,,,
,~«:*$@@@# @@ @@ #@@@$*:«~,
,~«:*$@@@# :: :: #@@@$*:«~,
,~«:*$@@@@ ~~ ~~ @@@@$*:«~,
,,,,,~«*$@ @$*«~,,,,,
,,,,,~::$@ the bones would be brought back from @$::~,,,,,
,,,,,,~:*@ the future. in the future, all bones @*:~,,,,,,
,~«:*$@@@# are resting deep underground. no #@@@$*:«~,
,~«:*$@@@# attachments they have, anymore. but #@@@$*:«~,
,,~~:::*$@ sometimes they remember what's to come. @$*:::~~,,
,,,,,«**$@ @$**«,,,,,
,~«:*$@@@# payment is the subjects legacy. bones #@@@$*:«~,
,~«:*$$$@@ must be burned to prevent eddies in @@$$$*:«~,
,~«:*@@@## time. imagine if you will, in a million ##@@@*:«~,
,,,~:**$$@ years, we are all nothing but shapes in @$$**:~,,,
,,,,,~:*@@ the bedrock. but those who deemed @@*:~,,,,,
,,,~:**$$@ themselves important will not be there. @$$**:~,,,
,~«:*$@@## ##@@$*:«~,
,,,,,,«*@@ @@*«,,,,,,
,,,,~:$@@@ @@@$:~,,,,
,~«:*$@@@# #@@@$*:«~,
,,,,,,~:$@ @$:~,,,,,,