Behold Venice Holkya'S Famous Saying:   
           Any Kind Of Grind            
            I Absolutely Mind           
   Of Course, He Didn'T Follow It Fully   
    Himself, He Couldn'T - He Was Busy    
      Spending His Mothers Heritage       
  Venice (Actually Francis Sunter Agung.  
   He Took On His Mothers Surname, And    
    Venice "Sounded More Dreamy") Was     
   Building An Observatory, On A Remote   
  Peak Called Grimeton. It Was A Private  
      Endeavour, Meant To Search For      
     Interterrestrial Communications,     
       "Signs Of Life In The Above".      
    Here He Employed A Few People, And    
    Lived For Some Years, Until His Age   
   Forced Him To Retire To Society Once   