#&&&@^^=:. .:=^^@&&
&@^^=..... .....=^^@&
&@^^:::... ...:::^^@&
&^^^^::... ...::^^^^&
&@^:...... ......:^@&
###&@^^=:. Opposer.Dream .:=^^@##
&&@^=:.... ======================================== ....:=^@&&
&^^^^^^=:. .:=^^^^^^&
###&@^^=:. Intrinsically Weaved Within The Space .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. Between What The Brain Constructs And .:=^^@##
#@@^^^^=:. The Real, The Space Which We Usually .:=^^^^@@#
###&@^^=:. Call The Aether, Distortions, .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. Anomalies, Can Appear Under .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. Circumstances, Peculiar Ones, Folded In .:=^^@##
#&&&@^^=:. Like Liquid Crystals, Appearing As If .:=^^@&&
###&@^^=:. You Suddenly Rotate Your Head In Some .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. Fourth Dimension (Usually More Or Less .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. Uncomfortable) .:=^^@##
&@^=:..... .....:=^@&
&&@^:::... The Opposer Looks Like A Concave Square ...:::^@&&
###&@^^=:. Balancing On A Corner, With Round .:=^^@##
#&&@^^^=:. Cutouts Along Its Edges Making It Look .:=^^^@&
###&@^^=:. Like A Pointy Cross, Or Something From .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. Twewy .:=^^@##
&@@@^=:... ...:=^@@@&
#&@^=..... It'S Hostile, Maybe Not Conscious But .....=^@
###&@^^=:. Active, Perceiving, Alive In Some .:=^^@##
&@^^:..... Sense. But I Feel As If That Might Be A .....:^^@&
#&&&@^^=:. Reduction, That I'M Interpreting The .:=^^@&&
&@^^^:.... Tip Of Something Much Larger And Alien ....:^^^@&
###&@^^=:. To Me. Maybe Not Alive, Then, But .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. Something Worse. .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. .:=^^@##
&&&@@^^=:. .:=^^@@&&&
###&@^^=:. : .:=^^@##
####&@^=:. ^ .:=^@###
###&@^^=:. .. ^^ .. .:=^^@##
#&^^====:. ======... ^^^ ..===. .:====^^
###&@^^=:. ===.. =@@@ .....== .:=^^@##
#@^=...... == &&&&= =. ......=^@#
&&@^::.... .= ^&&&&&& . ....::^@&&
&^=....... ###^ ^ .......=^&
###&@^^=:. ^^ # .:=^^@##
#@@@^^^=:. ===&&&^^^^^###^ ^&^=====: .:=^^^@@@#
#@^^^^=::. :::=@@@&&^^ ^####^^^^^&&@@@^^^^::: .::=^^^^@#
#@^::..... = ^#^ &@===: .....::^@#
#@^=...... ^#^ ^ ......=^@#
####@^^=:. .= ^&&&&&^ .:=^^@####
##@@^=.... == =&&&&@ =. ....=^@@##
###&@^^=:. .==. @@@ ==. .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. ====.... ^^= ..====== .:=^^@##
&&&^=::... ^^ ..... ...::=^&&&
###&@^^=:. ^ .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. : .:=^^@##
&@@@@^^=:. .:=^^@@@@&
&@^=...... Various Forms Like These ......=^@&
&^^=...... ......=^^&
#&^=:..... ^#^ .....:=^
###&@^^=:. .#&^ .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. :@@: .:=^^@##
#@@@^===:. :: .:===^@@@#
###&@^^=:. :. .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. .: .:=^^@##
&&&@^=:... :: ...:=^@&&&
###&@^^=:. :@@: .:=^^@##
#&@^:..... . .^#&^. . .....:^@
##@@@^^=:. ^##^=:.. :..:=^########^=:.. :..:=^##^ .:=^^@@@##
###&@^^=:. ^###^=:..: ..:=^########^=:..: ..:=^###^ .:=^^@##
&@^^::.... =. .^#&^. .= ....::^^@&
###&@^^=:. :@@: .:=^^@##
#&&^=:.... :: ....:=^&
&@@^^:.... :. ....:^^@@&
&&&@^^=:.. .: ..:=^^@&&&
#&&&@^^=:. :: .:=^^@&&
&&^^=..... :@@: .....=^^&&
&&^^^=.... ^#&. ....=^^^&&
###&@^^=:. ^#^ .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. .:=^^@##
##&@^^::.. It Morphs ..::^^@#
&&^^=:.... ....:=^^&&
&@@^::.... # ....::^@@&
###&@^^=:. # .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. ##^ .:=^^@##
##@^^^:::. ^###^ .:::^^^@##
&@^==..... =&@=@@==&= .....==^@&
#&&&@^^=:. == ^^ === .:=^^@&&
###&@^^=:. :^^ .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. === .:=^^@##
&@@^^^^=:. ^= .:::::. @== .:=^^^^@@&
#&^^=:.... ^^^#^= =:^^=::.....::==:: =&&^^ ....:=^^
###&@^^=:. ^^####&@@=:::=::.. ..::=:::^@@&#####^^ .:=^^@##
&@@^=:.... ^^#^ .:::::. ==^^^^ ....:=^@@&
###&@^^=:. ^ .==== @= .:=^^@##
#&&&@^^=:. ^^ .:=^^@&&
###&@^^=:. @@= ^ =@@= .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. =@@=@=@@@= .:=^^@##
&&@@^::... ^&&&&^ ...::^@@&&
&&&@^::... ^### ...::^@&&&
###&@^^=:. ## .:=^^@##
##@^=..... # .....=^@##
###&@^^=:. .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. It Appears In It'S Truest False Form .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. Inscribed All Over Your Vision, In The .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. Case Of Nightmares, Evil Meditation, Or .:=^^@##
#&&^=..... Drug-Induced Transcendental States. .....=^&
#&@^^^^=:. Living Behind The Curtain, So To Speak, .:=^^^^@
&&^==::::. In The Liquid Between You And The World .::::==^&&
#&@^===... You'Re In. ...===^@
#&^^^^^=:. .:=^^^^^
###&@^^=:. But Even In Calmer Times, It'S Never .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. Too Far Away, And You Can Find Yourself .:=^^@##
###&@^^=:. Transfixed By Floor Tiles, Jewelry .:=^^@##
&&&&@^^=:. (Totems? Charms?), Trees, And Other .:=^^@&&&&
#@@@^^:::. Such Things... .:::^^@@@#
#&^^^^==:. .:==^^^^
&@^:...... ......:^@&
&&^^^=::.. ..::=^^^&&
##&@^=.... ....=^@#
###&@^^=:. .:=^^@##