@†«....... .......«†@
#¶@†;«,... ...,«;†@¶#
##¶@$†;«,. .,«;†$@¶##
##¶@$†;«,. .,«;†$@¶##
#¶$†««,... ...,««†$¶#
##¶@$†;«,. Opposer.Dream .,«;†$@¶##
¶@††«««,,. «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« .,,«««††@¶
##¶@$†;«,. .,«;†$@¶##
##¶@$†;«,. Intrinsically Weaved Within The Space .,«;†$@¶##
#¶¶@$†;«,. Between What The Brain Constructs And .,«;†$@¶¶#
@$$$†;«,,. The Real, The Space Which We Usually .,,«;†$$$@
#¶$$;;;«,. Call The Aether, Distortions, .,«;;;$$¶#
##¶@$†;«,. Anomalies, Can Appear Under .,«;†$@¶##
##¶@$†;«,. Circumstances, Peculiar Ones, Folded In .,«;†$@¶##
@$;,...... Like Liquid Crystals, Appearing As If ......,;$@
¶¶$†;,.... You Suddenly Rotate Your Head In Some ....,;†$¶¶
##¶@$†;«,. Fourth Dimension (Usually More Or Less .,«;†$@¶##
##¶@$†;«,. Uncomfortable) .,«;†$@¶##
###@$†;«,. .,«;†$@###
##¶@$†;«,. The Opposer Looks Like A Concave Square .,«;†$@¶##
@@$†;«.... Balancing On A Corner, With Round ....«;†$@@
@$;;;«,,.. Cutouts Along Its Edges Making It Look ..,,«;;;$@
¶@†;;««... Like A Pointy Cross, Or Something From ...««;;†@¶
@†«,...... Twewy ......,«†@
¶¶@††«.... ....«††@¶¶
@$†;;,,,.. It'S Hostile, Maybe Not Conscious But ..,,,;;†$@
#¶¶@$†;«,. Active, Perceiving, Alive In Some .,«;†$@¶¶#
#@$$;;;«,. Sense. But I Feel As If That Might Be A .,«;;;$$@#
##¶@$†;«,. Reduction, That I'M Interpreting The .,«;†$@¶##
#¶@$†;;«,. Tip Of Something Much Larger And Alien .,«;;†$@¶#
##¶@$†;«,. To Me. Maybe Not Alive, Then, But .,«;†$@¶##
@$$$†«.... Something Worse. ....«†$$$@
##¶@$†;«,. .,«;†$@¶##
@@@†;«,... ...,«;†@@@
#¶¶@$†;«,. , .,«;†$@¶¶#
@†††«,,... ; ...,,«†††@
##¶@$†;«,. .. †† .. .,«;†$@¶##
¶$$;;;;«,. ««««««... ††† ..«««. .,«;;;;$$¶
##¶@$†;«,. «««.. «$$$ .....«« .,«;†$@¶##
@†««,,.... «« @@@@« «. ....,,««†@
###¶$†;«,. .« ;@@@@@@ . .,«;†$¶###
@@@†««.... ¶¶¶; ; ....««†@@@
¶@$;;«««,. ;; # .,«««;;$@¶
##¶@$†;«,. «««@@@;;;;†###† ;@;«««««, .,«;†$@¶##
##¶@$†;«,. ,,,«$$$@@;; †####;;;;;@@$$$†††;,,, .,«;†$@¶##
@@†;«..... « ;#; @$«««, .....«;†@@
##¶@$†;«,. ;¶; ; .,«;†$@¶##
#@$;,..... .« ;@@@@@; .....,;$@#
@$;;,..... «« «@@@@$ «. .....,;;$@
##¶@$†;«,. .««. $$$ ««. .,«;†$@¶##
##¶@$†;«,. ««««.... ††« ..«««««« .,«;†$@¶##
¶¶¶@$†;«,. ;; ..... .,«;†$@¶¶¶
##¶@$†;«,. ; .,«;†$@¶##
##¶@$†;«,. , .,«;†$@¶##
##¶@$†;«,. .,«;†$@¶##
###@$†;«,. Various Forms Like These .,«;†$@###
¶¶¶@$†;«,. .,«;†$@¶¶¶
@@$;««,,,. †#† .,,,««;$@@
##¶@$†;«,. .@##@; .,«;†$@¶##
¶@†«...... ,$$, ......«†@¶
¶@†«...... ,, ......«†@¶
@$†;««,,.. ,. ..,,««;†$@
¶$$†««,... ., ...,««†$$¶
#@$$;,.... ,, ....,;$$@#
@@†«...... ,$$, ......«†@@
##¶@$†;«,. . .;@##@;. . .,«;†$@¶##
¶@$;,..... †#¶†«,.. ,..,«†¶######¶†«,.. ,..,«†¶#† .....,;$@¶
#¶$††«.... †##¶†«,.., ..,«†¶######¶†«,.., ..,«†¶##† ....«††$¶#
@$$$†«««,. «. .;@##@;. .« .,«««†$$$@
###¶@$†;,. ,$$, .,;†$@¶###
¶$$;«««... ,, ...«««;$$¶
#@@$$†;«,. ,. .,«;†$$@@#
##¶@$†;«,. ., .,«;†$@¶##
###¶@†;«,. ,, .,«;†@¶###
@$†;,..... ,$$, .....,;†$@
#¶@†«,,,.. ;@##@. ..,,,«†@¶#
##¶@$†;«,. †#† .,«;†$@¶##
###¶$†;«,. .,«;†$¶###
###@$†;«,. It Morphs .,«;†$@###
¶¶$;,,,... ...,,,;$¶¶
##¶@$†;«,. # .,«;†$@¶##
##¶@$†;«,. # .,«;†$@¶##
¶@$$$†;«,. ##; .,«;†$$$@¶
#¶¶@$†;«,. ;¶¶¶; .,«;†$@¶¶#
¶$†«...... «@$«$$««@« ......«†$¶
##¶@$†;«,. «« †† ««« .,«;†$@¶##
¶$$†††;«,. ,;; .,«;†††$$¶
###¶@$†;«, ««« ,«;†$@¶###
##¶@$†;«,. ;« .,,,,,. $«« .,«;†$@¶##
#¶¶@$†;«,. †;;¶;« «,;;«,,.....,,««,, «@@;; .,«;†$@¶¶#
###@$†;«,. ††##¶¶@$$«,,,«,,.. ..,,«,,,†$$@@¶¶####†† .,«;†$@###
@$;«««««,. ;;¶; .,,,,,. ««@¶;;†† .,«««««;$@
##¶@$†;«,. ; .«««« $« .,«;†$@¶##
¶@@@$†;«,. ;; .,«;†$@@@¶
#¶@$††;«,. $$« † «$$« .,«;††$@¶#
##¶@$†;«,. «$$«$«$$$« .,«;†$@¶##
###¶@$†«,. ;@@@@; .,«†$@¶###
##¶@$†;«,. ;¶¶¶ .,«;†$@¶##
@@@†;;«... ## ...«;;†@@@
##¶@$†;«,. # .,«;†$@¶##
@$$;,..... .....,;$$@
#¶$;;«,... It Appears In It'S Truest False Form ...,«;;$¶#
##¶@$†;«,. Inscribed All Over Your Vision, In The .,«;†$@¶##
¶$$;««,... Case Of Nightmares, Evil Meditation, Or ...,««;$$¶
##¶@$†;«,. Drug-Induced Transcendental States. .,«;†$@¶##
##¶@$†;«,. Living Behind The Curtain, So To Speak, .,«;†$@¶##
##¶@$†;«,. In The Liquid Between You And The World .,«;†$@¶##
@$$;,..... You'Re In. .....,;$$@
##¶@$†;«,. .,«;†$@¶##
###@$†;«,. But Even In Calmer Times, It'S Never .,«;†$@###
#¶@†«..... Too Far Away, And You Can Find Yourself .....«†@¶#
¶¶$;,..... Transfixed By Floor Tiles, Jewelry .....,;$¶¶
##¶@$†;«,. (Totems? Charms?), Trees, And Other .,«;†$@¶##
###¶$†;«,. Such Things... .,«;†$¶###
¶¶$;,..... .....,;$¶¶
##¶@$†;«,. .,«;†$@¶##
¶¶¶@$†;«,. .,«;†$@¶¶¶
##¶@$†;«,. .,«;†$@¶##
@†††;;,... ...,;;†††@