,,,&,,&,&& &,&&&,,,,&
&,,,&,,,&& &,&,&&,,,,
,&,,,&,,&, &,,,&&&,,,
,,&,,,&,,, &&,,&,&&,,
,,,&,,,&,, ,&&,,,&&&,
,,,,&,,,&, ,, ferrets ,&&&,,&,&&
&,,,,&,,,& ,&,&&,,,&&
&&,,,,&,,, ,,,,,,-^^^=£££&@@@@##@@@@&£££=^^^-,,,,,, ,,,&&&,,&,
&&&,,,,&,, ,,,&,&&,,,
&,&&,,,,&, you see something move in the corner of ,,,,,&&&,,
,,&&&,,,,& your eye - probably one of these. ,,,,,&,&&,
,,&,&&,,,, &,,,,,,&&&
&,,,&&&,,, backbone animals. &&,,,,,&,&
&&,,&,&&,, cat-snakes, or so called. &&&,,,,,,&
,&&,,,&&&, comes in different flavours. &,&&,,,,,&
,&&&,,&,&& ,,&&&,,,,,
,&,&&,,,&& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the mink ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,&,&&,,,,
,,,&&&,,&, , , &,,,&&&,,,
,,,&,&&,,, , minks, also called the snow ferrets, , ,&,,&,&&,,
,,,,,&&&,, , make up the "wandering food supply" , ,,&,,,&&&,
,,,,,&,&&, , used by the shamans and underlings , ,,,&,,&,&&
&,,,,,,&&& of kirugu vargir. when called upon, ,,,,&,,,&&
&&,,,,,&,& they present themselves, and can be ,,,,,&,,&,
&&&,,,,,,& caught. &,,,,,&,,,
&,&&,,,,,& &&,,,,,&,,
,,&&&,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the marten ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,&&,,,,,&,
,,&,&&,,,, , , ,&&&,,,,,&
&,,,&&&,,, , the marten is the sneakier one here, , ,&,&&,,,,,
,&,,&,&&,, , often used for spying, or stealing. , ,,,&&&,,,,
,,&,,,&&&, , in the older tales about vidmi, , &,,&,&&,,,
,,,&,,&,&& these are probs the ferrets that she &&,,,&&&,,
,,,,&,,,&& was said to control. this connection &&&,,&,&&,
,,,,,&,,&, might explain why many denizens have &,&&,,,&&&
&,,,,,&,,, this as their main "pet" god. ,,&&&,,&,&
&&,,,,,&,, ,,&,&&,,,&
,&&,,,,,&, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the ermine ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,&&&,,&
,&&&,,,,,& , , &,,,&,&&,,
,&,&&,,,,, , the lusher one in the family is the , ,&,,,,&&&,
,,,&&&,,,, , ermine. used as bedwarmers, or , ,,&,,,&,&&
&,,&,&&,,, , harvested for their beautiful fur, , ,,,&,,,,&&
&&,,,&&&,, the white coat, very pretty, ,,,,&,,,&,
&&&,,&,&&, although rare. ,,,,,&,,,,
&,&&,,,&&& ,,,,,,&,,,
,,&&&,,&,& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the mewn ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, &,,,,,,&,,
,,&,&&,,,& , , &&,,,,,,&,
,,,,&&&,,& , one of the most notable in kirugu , &&&,,,,,,&
&,,,&,&&,, , lore, the otter ferret? it goes in , &,&&,,,,,,
,&,,,,&&&, rivers. there are a lot of ferrets, ,,&&&,,,,,
,,&,,,&,&& but for some reason, this otter one ,,&,&&,,,,
,,,&,,,,&& is hardly ever seen. it might be &,,,&&&,,,
,,,,&,,,&, that it is unbound...? ,&,,&,&&,,
,,,,,&,,,, locals use it for sport fishing. ,,&,,,&&&,
,,,,,,&,,, ,,,&,,&,&&
&,,,,,,&,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the husky ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, &,,,&,,,&&
&&,,,,,,&, , , ,&,,,&,,&,
&&&,,,,,,& , the husky may seem like a dog, but , ,,&,,,&,,,
&,&&,,,,,, , it is actually a kind of ferret. , ,,,&,,,&,,
,,&&&,,,,, this makes it the largest of the ,,,,&,,,&,
,,&,&&,,,, phylum, and it's the most recently &,,,,&,,,&
&,,,&&&,,, evolved as well, bred for use as a &&,,,,&,,,
,&,,&,&&,, predator. it's made more dangerous &&&,,,,&,,
,,&,,,&&&, by the fact that it's almost &,&&,,,,&,
,,,&,,&,&& completely unknown to biologists. ,,&&&,,,,&
&,,,&,,,&& ,,&,&&,,,,
,&,,,&,,&, &,,,&&&,,,
,,&,,,&,,, &&,,&,&&,,
,,,&,,,&,, ,&&,,,&&&,
,,,,&,,,&, ,&&&,,&,&&