,,,,,,,,££ ,,,,££,,,,
£££££££,,, £££,,,,£££
££££££,,££ ,£,,££,,££
£££££,,,,£ ,,,,,,,,,£
££££,,££,, ££££££££,,
,££,,,,,,, =============== £££££££,,,
,,,,££££££ = @@@@@@@@@ = ,£££££,,££
,££,,£££££ = @ roads @ = ,,£££,,,,,
,,,,,,££££ = @@@@@@@@@ = ,,,£,,££££
,££££,,£££ =============== ££,,,,,££,
,,££,,,,££ ,,,£££,,,,
£,,,,££,,£ roads are physical representations of ££,,£,,£££
,,££,,,,,, the lines on maps that tell you where £,,,,,,,££
,,,,,£££££ you can travel. ,,£££££,,,
££££,,££££ £,,£££,,££
£££,,,,£££ those called roads are for cars. for ,,,,£,,,,£
££,,££,,£, bikes they are called paths, for trains ,££,,,££,,
,,,,,,,,,, they are called rails. ,,,,£,,,,,
££££££££££ £££,,,££££
££££££££££ when traveling by foot, you can follow ££,,£,,£££
£££££££££, all of these, or none. ,,,,,,,,££
££££££££,, £££££££,,£
£££££££,,£ ,:~@~:, ,£££££,,,,
,£££££,,,, ,,£££,,££,
,,£££,,££, most roads are elevated, suspended £,,£,,,,,,
£,,£,,,,,, between three to a hundred (rare) ,,,,,£££££
,,,,,£££££ meters above ground. the closer you get ,£££,,££££
,£££,,££££ to a city, the more intertwined they ,,£,,,,££,
,,£,,,,£££ get. ,,,,££,,,,
£,,,££,,££ £££,,,,£££
,,£,,,,,,£ in such areas, all crossings and ££,,££,,££
,,,,££££,, intersections are placed in tunnels, or £,,,,,,,,,
£££,,££,,, special tower-like structures called ,,££££££££
££,,,,,,££ outposts, which enfold the roads where ,,,£££££££
£,,££££,,£ they interact. ££,,££££££
,,,,££,,,, £,,,,£££££
,££,,,,£££ ,:~@~:, ,,££,,£££,
,,,,££,,££ ,,,,,,,£,,
£££,,,,,,£ here and there you will find symbols in ££££££,,,£
££,,££££,, white, on the asphalt. these are meant £££££,,£,,
,,,,,££,,£ to tell the drivers about what ,£££,,,,,,
££££,,,,,, manouvers they allowed to perform on ,,£,,£££££
£££,,£££££ that particular stretch of road. £,,,,,££££
££,,,,££££ ,,£££,,£££
£,,££,,££, however, some creatures paint their own £,,£,,,,££
,,,,,,,,,, illicit symbols encoding territorial ,,,,,££,,£
,£££££££££ claims, nearby resources, or other ££££,,,,,,
,,££££££££ unknown and mysterious things. £££,,£££££
,,,££££££, ££,,,,£££,
££,,££££,, £,,££,,£,,
,,,,,££,,£ ,,,,,,,,,,
££££,,,,,, ,£££££££££
£££,,££££, ,,££££££££