,&&,,&&&&, ,,&&,,,&,&
&,&,&,,,&& ,&,&,,&&&&
&&&&&,,&,& &&&&,&,,,,
,,,,&,&&&& ,,,&&&,,,&
,,,&&&,,,& ,,&,,&,,&&
,,&,,&,,&& From The Grimy Dog-Eat-Dog Outside With ,&&,&&,&,&
,&&,&&,&,& Decomposing Pavement And Rusty Claws Of &,&&,&&&&&
&,&&,&&&&, Annoying Creatures, Inject Yourself &&,&&,,,,&
&&,&&,,,&& Into The Conditional Womb That Is The ,&&,&,,,&,
,&&,&,,&,, Grocery Store &,&&&,,&&&
&,&&&,&&,, &&,,&,&,,&
&&,,&&,&,& We'Ve Got ,&,&&&&,&,
,&,&,&&&&& &&&,,,&&&&
&&&&&,,,,& # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ,,&,,&,,,&
,,,,&,,,&, \ Cold Bright Light # ,&&,&&,,&,
,,,&&,,&&& # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # &,&&,&,&&,
,,&,&,&,,& &&,&&&&,&,
,&&&&&&,&, # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ,&&,,,&&&,
&,,,,,&&&, \ Food (With Preservative) \ &,&,,&,,&,
&,,,,&,,&& # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # &&&,&&,&&&
&,,,&&,&,& ,,&&,&&,,,
&,,&,&&&&& # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ,&,&&,&,,&
&,&&&,,,,& \ Security Guard # &&&,&&&,&,
&&,,&,,,&, # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ,,&&,,&&&&
,&,&&,,&&& ,&,&,&,,,,
&&&,&,&,,& And You Are Very Welcome To Stay As &&&&&&,,,,
,,&&&&&,&, Long As You Can Be Counted On To ,,,,,&,,,&
,&,,,,&&&, Transact. ,,,,&&,,&&
&&,,,&,,&& ,,,&,&,&,&
,&,,&&,&,, ,,&&&&&&&,
&&,&,&&&,& ,&,,,,,,&,
,&&&&,,&&& &&,,,,,&&&
&,,,&,&,,& ,&,,,,&,,&