###@£§==^¨ ¨^==§£@###
#£££^^--¨¨ ¨¨--^^£££#
###§§†\=.¨ ¨.=\†§§###
#@£¤=:»^¨¨ ¨¨^»:=¤£@#
##@&$%:--, ,--:%$&@##
###£†*~~.¨ , , - \ / » , , ¨.~~*†£###
###@@††-^. ¨ - = / : » ^ , .^-††@@###
###%§†»:,, ¨ ^ = * † ~ , . ,,:»†§%###
##¶£@§*~,. ¨ . - † † - . ¨ .,~*§@£¶##
#¶¤*^;»,,, ,,,»;^*¤¶#
###§£*\»,¨ as we cross the mountain, we can walk ¨,»\*£§###
#£&£%*«-,, only at night. long ago, someone here ,,-«*%£&£#
###££†;»^, must've angered the sun, and today it ,^»;†££###
#@§%=\».,, still burns us strangely. but with the ,,.»\=%§@#
###§$%\»,, sunset the air comes raining back down ,,»\%$§###
##@£$=~:,, and gets thick enough to breathe. it ,,:~=$£@##
##£¤%†*~:¨ carries with it smells from far away, ¨:~*†%¤£##
#@@£†;-~., colourful sparks for the imagination, a ,.~-;†£@@#
##@&$^==.. sharp contrast for the stale black of ..==^$&@##
#@&£†:~^,¨ the night. ¨,^~:†£&@#
###¤§§/-~, ,~-/§§¤###
#¶@$*/«.,¨ the others think i'm young, they don't ¨,.«/*$@¶#
###&£*=»,. take me seriously and i fear they .,»=*£##
###¤%\-,,. snicker a bit. you usually get old .,,-\%¤###
##@@*%*~,. before you learn the trade enough to .,~*%*@@##
#£¤$§/~,¨. take other people. but i do lead them .¨,~/§$¤£#
###&*%=»-, safely forward, every night. ,-»=%*##
#@§£^:«.., ,..«:^£§@#
##¶&§=^-,¨ however, currently there seems to be ¨,-^=§&¶##
#@&&*\»,¨. something going on ahead. those around .¨,»\*&&@#
##¶§$%/-~¨ the corner have stopped, shouting, ¨~-/%$§¶##
#£§@§;«^,. pointing. .,^«;§@§£#
##@¤£*/-,. .,-/*£¤@##
#£@@$†«-.¨ ¨.. ¨¨ .-=». ¨, ¨¨. ¨.-«†$@@£#
##@#$†\»^. ¨,¨ ¨, ¨»:=. ,. ¨.. .^»\†$#@##
##@£§*«..¨ ,., .¨ ,~\«, ,¨ ¨,. ¨..«*§£@##
##¶@§†:~-. ,., ¨, ,=†~¨ ¨¨ ,.¨ .-~:†§@¶##
#@#@%/~-.¨ .,¨ ¨, ¨»\». ¨, ¨.¨ ¨.-~/%@#@#
##££$†^»,. .,. ., ¨«†=, ¨. .,, .,»^†$££##
##§&**~-¨, ,¨, .. .~^», ¨, .., ,¨-~**&§##
##¶§%%*~:. ¨.. ¨, ,»†»¨ ., ¨., .:~*%%§¶##
#£#§%\~.¨, ,¨.~\%§#£#
###§**;~., my greatest treasure, the ,.~;**§###
#¶#§^:-~¨¨ book of stars, is a combined map, ¨¨~-:^§#¶#
##¶£$$^=~. calendar and timepiece as long as you .~=^$$£¶##
#@£%*;=:¨¨ know what year it is. every page is a ¨¨:=;*%£@#
##£#@*:=:¨ grid of nine starfields, hand drawn, ¨:=:*@#£##
#¶¤£=;=-., below which are written coordinates in ,.-=;=£¤¶#
##££@^:~., both space and time. a lot of it is ,.~:^@££##
#¶£%$/=-., applicable on earth, but not all. it ,.-=/$%£¶#
##¶&§**=:¨ hints of other places - some stars ¨:=**§&¶##
#@&&%=--,¨ reordered, some names i have never ¨,--=%&&@#
##¶@%^†«~, heard. sometimes the dates are ,~«†^%@¶##
#¶@@^:»^., impossible. ,.^»:^@@¶#
####$*†~~, ,~~†*$####
#£¤$*/»,,. those pages are exactly what i scramble .,,»/*$¤£#
##¶§£††«:, for right now. i've stopped breathing. ,:«††£§¶##
##¤*%*-:,, i sling open the book of stars a bit ,,:-*%*¤##
##@@$=/«,¨ too quick, spilling all my notes on the ¨,«/=$@@##
#@§$%/~,¨. ground. one lands on my foot, it is a .¨,~/%$§@#
##£#**†~-¨ drawing of a muscle cow, but i could ¨-~†**#£##
#£§%%;»:,¨ care less right now. ¨,:»;%%§£#
##¶§£%:=:, ,:=:%£§¶##
##&£*/-~.. for it seems like there's a new moon in ..~-/*£#
###¤@*^=,. the sky. .,=^*@¤###
##@£†*»~.¨ ¨.~»*†£@##
###@$*\~,. .,~\*$@###
##&@*/-~., ,.~-/*@#
###@&^\~~. .~~\^&@###
#@@*^;=:.. ..:=;^*@@#
##¶£&*==.¨ ¨.==*&£¶##