,£,,£££,,, ,£,,,££,££
££,£,,£,,£ ££,,£,££,£
,£££,££,££ ,£,£££,££,
£,,££,££,£ £££,,££,£,
£,£,££,£££ ,,£,£,££££
££££,££,,£ Tell Them You Need To Take A Call, And ,£££££,,,,
,,,££,£,£, Go South. Sneak Between The Houses, £,,,,£,,,£
,,£,££££££ Getting Smaller As You Go. £,,,££,,££
,£££,,,,,, Cross The Train Tracks... £,,£,£,£,£
£,,£,,,,,, Exit The Western industrial dome. £,££££££££
£,££,,,,,£ ££,,,,,,,,
££,£,,,,££ As You Push Through The Thicker Snow ,£,,,,,,,£
,£££,,,£,£ Outside, You Become A Witch Again. ££,,,,,,£,
£,,£,,££££ Shapes In The Dirt Become Runes. ,£,,,,,££,
£,££,£,,,£ Pawprints Become Hidden Families. You ££,,,,£,££
££,£££,,££ Adjust Your Course. ,£,,,£££,,
,££,,£,£,, ££,,£,,£,£
£,£,££££,, The Ermines Make Fine Meats. One Call ,£,££,££££
££££,,,£,, And They Would Come Willingly. Back In £££,££,,,,
,,,£,,££,, The Dome, What They Give You For ,,££,£,,,£
,,££,£,£,, Eating... It'S Not Right. It'S Nothing ,£,£££,,££
,£,£££££,£ You Can Feed On, Not Really. £££,,£,£,£
£££,,,,££, ,,£,££££££
,,£,,,£,£, But It'S Likely You'Re Still Under ,£££,,,,,,
,££,,££££, Observation. South Is A Weird Direction £,,£,,,,,,
£,£,£,,,££ And So You Probably Warrant Some £,££,,,,,,
£££££,,£,, Attention. Interacting With The ££,£,,,,,£
,,,,£,££,£ Wildlife Is Out Of The Picture. ,£££,,,,£,
,,,£££,£££ £,,£,,,££,
,,£,,££,,£ You Adjust Your Course. £,££,,£,£,
,££,£,£,£, ££,£,££££,
£,££££££££ ,££££,,,£,
££,,,,,,,£ £,,,£,,£££
,£,,,,,,£, £,,££,£,,,
££,,,,,£££ £,£,£££,,,
,£,,,,£,,, ££££,,£,,£