,@,§¨¨£,,¨ ¨.#£§¨.¨#¨
.&¤¤¤,#£., ,¨¤.,¤,¨@@
&£¨¨,##¨@. .¨#£¨¤§¨¤,
£¨#¨.&.@¤# §¨@,£§.§@@
.@£&.££#¨¨ ¨§§#¤.¤#,¨
£¤¨.@¨¤@,& #»-~ ~»» ~~» ~~= ~~- -»~ ==» »«« =-»# .¤&,¨¨¨.¤§
¨¤¨@§#.£#¨ = page on snake handling. ^ &.&¨¨.,&¨,
#£§.,¨#¨ #~«= ~~= »=» -»= »~~ =«= ~-» »«- ««~# §#¤,,.££..
.,#.§.¤££, ¨,£,.§.&.#
¨#@§§§.¨£, the goal is anyway to become lucid .§§.¤£#£§¤
¤,¨.¨¤.@@. inside the dream (if the dream is a &,@£¨¨¨¨¨&
&¨.¨££@,£. container) or while the dream takes #£¨¤..¨,&.
&.,£.¨@¤§. place (if it is an event). this is ¨&£¤.¨¨£#£
&,#£,#..&& somehow to do with serpents. &,,&¨¨£¨.¨
£¤¨§§§¨#.£ #,§£.¤£¨¨£
.£#¨,#@£§§ #==» «=~ ~-« »»« »=» »=- ~=» ~~- ~-~# &§.#§¨@.&,
§,§¨¤¨,,,¨ † i knew there would be snakes, they * .,@&¤¤£¨
@£@&§,,¨.@ : have this particular shape to them, \ ¤.§£.¨.,¤¤
.¨,¨§,,,@, / makes them fit into cracks, / ¤@¨&,.,¤¨,
.,¨@§¨,@#. : into seams. \ .£¤§¨¨@@..
¨.&,&,£.£& \ ¨¨.»-§=~.., = £¨.£¨#¨@.¨
.¤£#££§@.. ^ (since realm-travelness is inversely : £,#§&£§£,.
#,¨¨.¨,¤.¨ = proportional to size; larger animals \ @#,,.¨,¤.¨
&,...¨£&.¨ * have to stay put. : ¨§,.¨.£¤,£
@..¨.&,£,§ / snakes can cheat this by being ; ¤¤.,,§¨¤#¨
¤,,¨¤¤§¤&& † almost one-dimensional.) ; .#.¨##&,##
§¨.#¨,...£ #»=~ «~~ ~»~ ~«~ ~-~ »~» =~~ »»~ =-«# #&.@,.£&..
£¨@&¨.,¨£¨ ¨&¤£,£.£¨£
£¤,¤,.¨#££ eitherway. i did not fully understand @,¨£¤@§§#,
,¤@§.,#.¨, which role they would play, or exactly §,£.,...£¤
#,,&.¤£,.£ »which= snakes they would be - the §@&¨,..@,¤
£,§£@,#¨&¤ nagas! the snake people. ,¨#,..#§¤¨
¤§,¨&¤£#,£ ,£¤¨.¤.,@#
.@.£.,,@¤& you will want them to guide you if you #.#,@#¨@..
@#£#.¨¤.¨. can. they are excellent nidra guides, @££§.#£§.,
.¨.&¨&@¨.. and many will take you on pro bono ¨¨.#£,.§¨&
,.&£§¨&¨,¨ (i suspect they find amusement in our ¨.#¨&,##&§
¨¤,,£§#.,, attempts to travel where we are not ,@¤§&£,.,¤
££.§,¨§.,. easy to be.) the problem is finding one. £¨,.¨£¨,§@
.£@¤¨¤£¨,¨ #,¨,¤#¨&.¨
¤,¨#§.£,.¤ #«»« ~»» -~= ««~ ~-~ ~~- ==~ -»« «~«# #..@,@@§.,
&.¤¨#§§¨§§ = don't fret if your meeting does not † @,#§£¨.@.§
&£¨¨¤£., : go well - talking to a snake is / &¤.¨£¨¤¤¤¨
¨.,@.&¨&¨. : often a recursive matter. you will : ,§.&&@¨.@@
,.&#., : meet many times as you fall deeper, ^ §¤§.¨§,&.£
,@,,,¨¨§,¨ = once per stage, the snake taking † ¨.£¨#&§&£&
£#.¨.,§£¨§ : various forms in succession (stream, † .&£§¨¨¨.,¤
¨¤.¨,&,@&¨ ^ snake, half-snake, queen, stream, : §.,¤,¨¨,§,
¤&¨.@&£.@. ; thunder). you must repeat all * §.£§,¨¨¤£,
,¤.#¨,###£ / pleasantries each time as if you've : @£.£,¨§.£#
§¤§@¨§.,.¨ \ never before met (although the snake = ,&@£¨££&,@
,..§§#¨¨,, : may choose to address you as an old ^ §,.£§¨.§@.
,¨&¨.£¨..¨ * friend, follow their lead if so). = £.&¨§,#.£¨
.@§.¤&,,.& #«-« ~=« -=~ =~= ~-~ »~» =~« »»- ~=~# #§##£@£,
&¨&¤.¤,,&¨ ,,.¨¨,¨¨¤¨
@§.£&@,£¤. they have something to do with water, .,,,¨¨¨£££
,@&.,&@.§& some close relation to it. i've yet to ¨¨,,..#.,¨
£¨@.£¨§¤.@ uncover what this is. but you might ¨,,¨¨@£¨.,
##§&,£#§ have a higher chance of finding one ,.¨,@,#,.¤
..¨,,@§.,. close to a river or lake...? ,,¨§¤¤&¨¤,
¨¨.,@¨#.¨& .,#¨,.#&¤,
.,,£@&&¨&& i've also heard them mentioned together ¨§@¨,£¨.&¨
..&,,¨@¤¨¨ with caves or "the world beneath the ¤.¤¨&¤.#&¨
¨&£..¤,¤¨. world". coincidence? you find regular ¤£¨§£.§¨
§.#¨##@@,. snakes in regular caves. or - could ¨,¨@£.##§,
#¤#£,.,¤.@ this be a reference to the dark lake? ,¨§.¤#.,@§
,,¨§,.££#. the holy water in the center of your ,&¤§¨@,£¨.
,.¨¤¨,¤¨ chest. guardians? ¤¨¨#@&,.
,¤,£,¤@, #¨£¨...@..
#§@.,&¤.&¨ £#@¨¨¨&¤¨,
¨¨§¨&¨@¤¤. ¨,&¨.#.£.§
,£&£§@..¤¨ .§&¨&¤@&@#
£¨,,¨£.&@¨ &,&¤.,¨.¨¤