,,,,~//$§@ @§$//~,,,,
,~~/$$$§## ##§$$$/~~,
,~~/$$#@## ##@#$$/~~,
,,,,,,~~$§ §$~~,,,,,,
,~~/$$§#@# #@#§$$/~~,
,~~/$$$$§§ ~~ §§$$$$/~~,
,~~/$$§### ~$$~ ###§$$/~~,
,,,~~///$§ ~$##$~ §$///~~,,,
,~~/$$§#@# ~$$~ #@#§$$/~~,
,,,,~~//$§ ~~ §$//~~,,,,
,~~/$$§### ###§$$/~~,
,,,~///$§# #§$///~,,,
,,,,~/$§## /// Teenage Engineering Presents /// ##§$/~,,,,
,~~/$$$§§# #$~~~~~~ The Pocket operators ~~~~~~$# #§§$$$/~~,
,,,,,~/$$§ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ §$$/~,,,,,
,,,~~/$$§§ §§$$/~~,,,
,,,,,~~$§§ They Break Easily §§$~~,,,,,
,~~~~~~$§@ For Example If You Would Be To Put Them @§$~~~~~~,
,,,,~/$$#@ In Your Pocket @#$$/~,,,,
,~~/$$§§## ##§§$$/~~,
,~~/$$§#@# ,$@#@$, #@#§$$/~~,
,~~/$$§### Here Presented In An Ascending Fashion ###§$$/~~,
,,,,~~/$$§ ,$@#@$, §$$/~~,,,,
,,,,,~~/$# #$/~~,,,,,
,~~/$$§##@ @##§$$/~~,
,~~////$§# $$ Po twelve $$ #§$////~~,
,,,,,~$$$§ (Drum machine, See Po twelve) §$$$~,,,,,
,,,~~~~/$§ §$/~~~~,,,
,,~~//$§§# #§§$//~~,,
,,,,,~/$$# $$ Po fourteen $$ #$$/~,,,,,
,~~~////$# Lame Base Synth I Had And Sold #$////~~~,
,~~/$$§#@# #@#§$$/~~,
,~~/$$§#@# #@#§$$/~~,
,,,~~$$$## $$ Po sixteen $$ ##$$$~~,,,
,~~/$$$$## (Melody And Stuff, See Po sixteen) ##$$$$/~~,
,,,,,~~/$§ §$/~~,,,,,
,~~/$§#@## ##@#§$/~~,
,,,,~$$$$§ $$ Po twenty $$ §$$$$~,,,,
,~/$$§#@## A Chiptune-Sounding Blip Blop Machine ##@#§$$/~,
,~~/$$§#@# Good For Chords And Stuff. Never Used It #@#§$$/~~,
,~~/$$§#@# #@#§$$/~~,
,~~/$$$§## ##§$$$/~~,
,~~/$$§#@@ $$ Po twentyfour $$ @@#§$$/~~,
,,,,,~$$§§ Office Rompler? For What Reason? §§$$~,,,,,
,~~/$$§##@ @##§$$/~~,
,,,,~$$$$# #$$$$~,,,,
,~~/$$§### $$ Po twentyeight $$ ###§$$/~~,
,~~/$$§#@# Melody And Stuff Mark Two #@#§$$/~~,
,,,,,~$§## (Only Melodies This Time) ##§$~,,,,,
,,,,~~$$§# #§$$~~,,,,
,~~/$$§#@# #@#§$$/~~,
,,,~~~/$§# $$ Po thirtytwo $$ #§$/~~~,,,
,~~/$$§### Drum machine Mark Two ###§$$/~~,
,~~/$$§§§§ Runs On Some Computer Software To Make §§§§$$/~~,
,~~/$$#@## Your Own Drums And Whatnot. But It Is ##@#$$/~~,
,,,,~~~/$§ Expensive This One §$/~~~,,,,
,~~~~~$§#@ @#§$~~~~~,
,~~/$$§§## ##§§$$/~~,
,~~/$$§#@# #@#§$$/~~,
,~~/$$§§§# #§§§$$/~~,
,~~/$$#@## ##@#$$/~~,